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2014年高考试题分析解读暨 2015届高三一轮复习高效备考 五步法突破听力 做听力试题 读听力材料 写听力材料 背听力材料 录听力材料 Hello, everyone. Welcome to Enjoy Your Life again. I’m Chris. Today we’ll introduce a special camp to you for a summer vacation and for a love of music. Okay, now, let me bring it to you. Greenwood, a magical music camp for the young. It’s open to boys and girls of grades three to seven. Students of all abilities will get together for two weeks and will study and play with top music artists each day. We’ll experience rap music, blues, country music and much, much more. Just imagine a music camp with wonderful concerts every night. Come and share music experience in green woods. Fantastic and exciting, isn’t it? Here is really a big chance for all music fans. Are you ready to join us? Greenwood, a dream land for all of us. Come and enjoy your life. I’m Chris. See you tomorrow. 05 museums / the city center / the bus driver 06 new hands / Writing and typing / Fun 07 Music Camp /3 to 7 / Have wonderful concerts 08 (kind of) medicine / half an hour / free 09 lazy life /active /step by step 10 7 days / My Happy Life / 8:10 / a cheaper ticket / a student ticket / Nathan 11 by a river / Size / pretty / Reasons / 2/two weeks 12 90/month/ Reference/ New Year’s Day / ID card 13 Confidently/ easier/ think about/ you find interesting/ yourself 14 change / meeting/light/gift shop/ the package 收集听力场景词汇 在备考的最初阶段,最重要的就是打下扎实的基础—词法、句法和语法,“磨刀不误砍柴工”。一定先将高考考纲要求的3500词汇记熟之后,接下来的语法,阅读等专项训练才能顺利展开,高分就水到渠成。 词汇备考中的三要一防: 单词有密码,记忆有方法! 要以旧带新,以新促旧。前后联想,形成对照;窜起葡萄,形成网络,抓住黄金记忆时间,分块循环记忆;注入活力,形象快乐记忆。 要多线条、多角度, 全方位地归纳、梳理基础知识。要由此及比,举一反三,合三为一。并将大量的基础知识融入语境中,培养学生在真实语境下运用英语的能力。 要学会把抽象的,难懂的知识转化为图表的形式。 防止单纯的知识讲授和“以考代教”的倾向,走出偏难怪的题海战术 要以旧带新,以新促旧。前后联想,形成对照;窜起葡萄,形成网络,抓住黄金记忆时段,分块循环记忆;注入活力,形象快乐记忆。 triple (Module 8 U 3) Single is simple, Double is trouble, Triple is terrible. bicycle tricycle quadricycle semicircle From womb to dorm


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