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Particle / Dust Sensor Module
DSM 501 Series
Detecting dust, pollen, and particles
down to 1㎛
Customized sensitivity for efficient
control depending on application.
Excellent long term reliability and easy
Compact Size
PWM Output
Air Cleaners, Air Conditioners IAQ Monitoring Control
Ventilation System, Fan Control Smoke Detectors
DSM 501 series dust sensor detects fine that are known causes for respiratory disease
particles as small as 1µm and measures and allergy.
quantity of floating particles in a room space
3 DSM 501 dust sensor is an ideal and cost
up to maximum 30m .
efficient solution for automatic control of air
The sensor generates forced inflow of the conditioner and air cleaner as well as
sampling air, and measures the dispersion of monitoring indoor air quality.
reflected lights by particles. This measurement
is then converted to PWM output signal. SAMYOUNG SC, a field proven specialist of
humidity and temperature sensors for more
The sensor is capable of detecting particles as than 20 years, presents another Sensible
small as 1µm size particles including house Sensing Solution for IAQ monitoring and
dust, pollen, mite, germ, and cigarette smoke
Version2.0 / 2012
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