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In law, a contract is a binding legal agreement that is enforceable
in a court of law or by binding arbitration. That is to say, a contract
is an exchange of promises with a specific remedy for breach.
Agreement is said to be reached when an offer capable of
immediate acceptance is met with a mirror image acceptance (i.e.,
an unqualified acceptance). The parties must have the necessary
capacity to contract and the contract must not be either trifling,
indeterminate, impossible, or illegal. Breach of contract is
recognized by the law and remedies can be provided.
As long as the good or service provided is legal, any oral
agreement between two parties can constitute a binding legal
contract. The practical limitation to this, however, is that only
parties to a written agreement have material evidence (the written
contract itself) to prove the actual terms uttered at the time the
agreement was struck. In daily life, most contracts can be and are
made orally, such as purchasing a book or a sandwich. Sometimes
written contracts are required by either the parties, or by statutory
law within various jurisdiction for certain types of agreement, for
example when buying a house or land.
National Legal English Certificate Test Committee 1
Contract formation
In common-law systems, the five key requirements for the creation
of a contract are:
1. offer and acceptance (agreement)
2. consideration
3. an intention to create legal relations
4. legal capacity
5. formalities
Offer and acceptance analysis is a traditional approach in contract
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