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联益微电子有限公司 标题 LY5056 应用报告 背景介绍 针对客户应用疑问,给予说明及指导。 AN-LY5056-Y11-R004AN-LY5056-Y11-R004 样板编号 NC 编写时间 2011-2-24 编写部门 LIANYI 版本号 V1.0 内容目录 一 管脚配置及功能描述 2 二.典型应用线路 3 三.产品功能简述 3 四.产品内部框图 4 五.重要参数设计指南 5 1.充电电流设定 5 2.温度检测 5 3.充电/饱和监测 5 六. 充电流程及实际应用说明 6 1.锂电池充电线路 6 2.充电时序图 6 3.两种充电时序说明 7 4. 自动重新充电说明 8 5.实际应用 8 七.支持资源 9 1 一.管脚配置及功能描述 管脚配置: 管脚功能描述: Pin Name Discription Battery temperature detection input. TEMP pin to receive the battery NTC 1 TEMP sensor output. 2 PROG Charge Current Program, Charge Current Monitor and Shutdown Pin. 3 GND Ground. 4 VCC Positive Input Supply Voltage. Charge Current Output. Provides charge current to the battery and 5 BAT regulates the final float voltage to 4.2V. The completion of battery charging instructions side. When the battery charge is complete, STDBY pulled low by internal switches, indicating 6 STDBY the completion of charging. In addition, STDBY pin will be in a high-impedance state. Open-Drain Charge Status Output. When the battery is charging, the CHRG pin is pulled low by an internal N-channel MOSFET. When the charge cycle is completed, a weak pull-down of approximately 20uA is 7 CHRG connected to the CHRG pin, indica


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