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劳务派遣员工招聘面临的问题与对策 内容摘要 通过对劳务派遣的历史探索分析可以得知,劳务派遣确实有其存在的必要性。在众多企业为适应市场变化降低用工成本的大环境下,这种新型的用工模式和行业——劳务派遣行业——由于形式灵活、适应市场环境而逐步发展起来。 而如今关于劳务派遣的论证更多的是集中在其优劣存废之争中,极少能够从管理的角度出发去探索研究劳务派遣行业的管理问题。而本文则选择了从人力资源管理中招聘管理的角度,去分析在劳务派遣行业中开展招聘劳务派遣员工工作所面临的问题。文章最后提出劳务派遣行业与招聘管理体系两者互相结合的要点,建立创新的招聘管理体系,将创新的招聘管理思维融入到企业招聘工作中,提高企业招聘效率。 关键词:劳务派遣 招聘管理 人力资源管理 Abstract Through the analysis of the historical exploration of labor dispatching, labor dispatching has the necessity of its existence. In many enterprises in order to adapt to market changes to reduce labor costs, under the environment of the new pattern of employment and industry - the labor dispatch industry - due to the form of flexible and adapt to the market environment and gradually developed. And now more about labor dispatch argument is focused on the advantages and disadvantages of scrap, rare from the perspective of management research to explore the management problems of labor dispatching industry. While this article chose from the perspective of recruitment management in human resources management, to analyze in the labor dispatch industry to carry out the recruitment problems faced by labor dispatch staffs work. Finally labor dispatching industry and put forward the main points of the recruitment management system both in combination with each other, establish innovative recruitment management system, innovation of thinking into the enterprise recruitment, recruitment management improve the efficiency of enterprise recruitment. Key words:labor dispatchingrecruitment management human resource management 目 录 一、研究背景与意义 ………………………………………………… 1 二、招聘工作流程管理 ……………………………………………… 2 (一)一般的招聘流程 …………………………………………… 2 (二)劳务派遣的招聘流程 ……………………………………… 3 (三)两者招聘流程的区别 ……………………………………… 3 三、H公司的招聘管理以及案例分析 ……………………………… 4 (一) H公司简介 ………………………………………………… 4 (二) H公司招聘存在的问题 …………………………………… 4 (三)结合H公司的实际,提出H公司招聘管理对策 ………… 6 四、一般劳务派遣企业招聘面临的问题 …………………………… 7 (一)招聘面临的


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