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; ;Jessica was born without arms as a result of a rare congenital disease Like every child, she did not understand why she had no arms as did the other children “It was difficult to be different.” 患有罕見的先天性疾病,潔西卡天生就無雙臂。 猶如每一個天真無邪的小孩,小時候,她無法理解為什麼自己沒有手臂,為什麼自己跟別的孩子不一樣? “異于常人是一件非常痛苦的事”;Regardless of that, she took part in different activities such as gymnastics, dancing and singing, frequently participating in large presentations. 儘管如此,潔西卡積極地參與各種課外活動,如:體操、舞蹈、聲樂等等。。。 還經常參加大型的演出。 ;When she was young she frequently felt opposed, downtrodden and on the verge of tears resulting from anger due to her lack of arms; given this, she placed all her energy in the practice of sports. For Jessica, the main challenge of being born without arms was the constant perception of others more than the physical adversity. 小時候,沒有雙臂的她常被人瞧不起、被排擠,經常氣得淚水在眼眶內打滾。因此,她把不滿的情緒和精力都發洩在各種體育項目上。 潔西卡認為人生最大的挑戰不是肢體上的缺陷而是要學習如何面對別人恆久不變的觀念。;我曾經很在乎路上的行人多看我一眼,或是別人用異樣的目光看著我用腳吃東西。 慢慢地,我學會了任何事情都要往正向思考;當我把這一切視為正向震波能量時,他們成了我最好的助緣,把我的心培育得更積極、更樂觀。;Jessica considers her parents as role models to be followed and as pillars for her. “My mother is my model and she always told me that I could do all that I wanted to do. My father never shed a tear since my birth as he does not consider me to be a victim. It is difficult to be the father of a handicapped person. He was my base during the difficult moments and it was he who forged the person I am today. ; The first time I learned to drive a car, it was thanks to some modifications. Even with that, after having learned well, I decided to remove the modifications placed in the car and now I hold a driving permit without restrictions.;Holder of a degree in Psychology from the University of Arizona, she always attracts attention when she fills her car with gas.; ;;This inspiring lady and heroine for numerous persons, always irradiates joy and is proof of having a great sense of humor ; on Mother’s Day last year she flew alone by herself without anyone accompanying her, draggin


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