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化学A-level备考教学计划(schedule format)
A-LEVEL备考教学计划(Teaching Schedule)
课程负责人(Course Leader): Joyce 授课教师(Teachers): Gina
授课班级(Class): 课程名称(Course): Chemistry A Level
采用教材及资料(Teaching Material): Cambridge Chemistry AS Level and A Level
学期总课时(Periods of Lessons): 54 节; 其中:
理论授课(Theory) 36 节;实践教学含词汇检测Practice( 次) 节;
练习课Exercise 15 节 ;测验考试含周测模考、月考、期中期末考Test( 3 次) 节;机动安排(Flexible Arrangement) 3 节;
教研组长Team Leader(签名):
教学主管Teaching Director(签章):
2014 年04月06 日
周次 周学时 讲课内容、课时 (写明章节题目名称) 备注 第 周 天气原因 测试 Chapter1 Atomic structure(1) 1.recognise and describle protons, neutrons and electrons in terms of their relative charges and relative masses;
2.describle the contribution of protons and neutrons to atomic nuclei in terms of atomic number and mass number;
3.deduce the number of protons, neutrons and electrons present in both atoms and ions from given atomic and mass number;
4.describe the behavior of protons, neutrons and electrons in electric field. Chapter1 Atomic structure(2) 1.explain the terms first ioniation energy and successive ionisation energies of an element in terms of 1mol of gaseous atoms or ions;
2.explain that ionisation energies are influenced by nuclear charge, atomic radius and electron shielding;
3.predict the number of electrons in each principal quantum shell of an element from its successive ionisation energies;
4. describe the shapes of s and p orbitals 第 周 Chapter1 Atomic structure(3) 1.describe the numbers and relative energies of the s, p and d orbitals for the principal quantum numbers 1,2,3 and also the 4s and 4p orbitals.
2.deduce the electronic configurations of atoms up to Z=36 an
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