北师大高一英语Unit6 warm-up.ppt

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北师大高一英语Unit6 warm-up

* Unit 6 Design Warm - up In this unit you will … ☆ Read a museum guide, a magazine article and an extract from a short story. ☆ Listen to descriptions of buildings and paintings and a song. ☆ Talk about paintings, paper art and buildings. ☆ Write notes and a description of a house. ☆ Learn how to use prepositions and relative clauses. Do you know these paintings and their painters? Do you know any other works by these painters? Guernica格尔尼卡 --- Picasso 1 Picasso Born Pablo Blasco on October 25, 1881, in Malaga, Spain, to José Ruiz Blasco, and Maria Picasso --- whose name he took after 1901. Picasso is largely considered one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. He is best known as the inventor of the revolutionary art style, principally Cubism; and for his contributions as a sculptor, painter, and designer. Guernica (1937) was Picasso’s response to the bombing of a mostly civilian Spanish villa in the Basque region by Germans allies of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco. 注解: 格尔尼卡,在西班牙内战的混乱中,遭到法西斯德军的突击,全城被炸为一片瓦砾,死伤数千人,而且大多是老弱妇孺,于是开始手绘制这幅画,要以画笔为枪来抵抗不人道的暴戾行为。 Improvisation 28 --- Wassily Kandinsky Wassily Kandinsky (1866 --- 1944 ) 第一个真正尝试将音乐展现在画布上的艺术家就是当时身居慕尼黑的俄国艺术家瓦西里·康定斯基 康定斯基出生莫斯科,他早年学习了钢琴和大提琴,因此音乐对于他而言是开启艺术之门的一把金钥匙。 David Hockney (1937 --- present ) 大卫·霍克尼 --- 英国油画家 Born in Yorkshire in 1937. David Hockney was associated with Pop Art movement which emerged in Britain and the United States in the early part of the sixties. He is now an important realist painter of portraits and exotic(异国的)landscapes. A bigger splash --- David Hockney 大水花---大卫·霍克尼 莱昂纳多达芬奇是意大利文艺复兴时期第一位画家,也是整个欧洲文艺复兴时期最杰出的代表人物之一。他是一位思想深邃、学识渊博、多才多艺的艺术大师、科学巨匠、文艺理论家、大哲学家、诗人、音乐家、工程师和发明家。 后代的学者称他是“文艺复兴时 代最完美的代表”,是“第一流的学者”,是一位“旷世奇才”。所有的,以及更多的赞誉他都当之无愧。 Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci (1452 --- 1519) an Italian artist and painter. realistic portrait (肖像) light / dark round clear 岩间圣母 圣母子和圣安妮 母与子 2 Match some of the Key Words with the paintings. style: realistic, abstract, pop, mo


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