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, 2009, 29( 2) :0283- 0290 A cta Bot. Bor eal .-Occid ent . Sin . : 1000-4025(2009) 02-0283-08 * 21 1, 3, 5 4 1 , 2, 3* 4 1, 3, 5 赵新风 , 朱艳芬, 徐海量 , 叶 茂, 李 媛 ( 1 , 830011; 2 , 843300; 3 , 830011; 4 , 830054; 5 , 100049) : 9 16 21 , ( ) ( ) ( ) , . : ( 1) 13 : 7 , 2 , 1 , 3 , , ; 5 ( \0. 126) , 6 ( 0.06) . (2) 5 ( ) 8 ( [ 0. 1 [ 2. 75 mm) ; 13 r- ( [ 2.75 mm, 1 mg) 4 ( \4. 8 mm, 3. 3 mg) . ( 3) 7~ 9 ( ) , . : ; ; ; ; ; : Q948. 11 : A Morphological Characters and Survival Strategy of Diaspores of the Main Desert Plants in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River, injiang, China 1, 3, 5 4 1, 2, 3* 4 1, 3, 5 ZHAO Xi -fe g , ZHU Ya -fe g , XU Ha-i lia g , YE M ao , LI Yua ( 1 Xi jia g I stitute of Ecology a d Geography, Chi ese Academy of Scie ces, U rumqi 830011, Chi a; 2 Water Bala ci g Test Statio of Chi ese Academ y of Scie ces, Aral 843300, Xi jia g, Chi a; 3 Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology a d Desert E viro - me t, Xi jia g 830011, Chi a; 4 College of Earth Scie ce a d T ourism, Xi jia g Norm al U iversity, 830054, Chi a; 5 Graduate U- iversity of Chi ese Academy of Scie ces, Beiji g 100049, Chi a) Abstract:I this paper w e i vestigated the ca opy characteristics of 21 diaspores( belo g to 9 families, 16 ge era) i the low er reaches of T arim River, a alyzed the diaspores morphology, shape ( three-dime sio varie ce) , size ( sum of three-dime sio ) a d w eight ( 100- grai w eight) characteristics, etc. T he ecological adapti g strategies are further probed i to. T he results show that: ( 1) T here w ere 13 pla ts ca use ca opy to avoid e vir



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