
医学英语课件u2 words.ppt

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医学英语课件u2 words

metabolism n. 新陈代谢 Their rate of metabolism may slow down. metabolic metabolic process metabolic rate metamorphosis metaphor metastasis anabolism n. 合成代谢 A continuously open wound inhibits anabolism. anabolic Weightlifters often use anabolic steroids(类固醇). analysis anatomy catabolism n. 分解代谢 A second experiment was designed to look for signs of catabolism. catabolic It inhibits lysosomal enzymes in the catabolic phase of inflammation. catalog synthesis n. 合成 syn-: together with synthesize There are many amino acids that the body cannot synthesize itself. synthetic symbiont sympathetic symphony thyroxine n. 甲状腺素 thyroid thyroidectomy thyroiditis thyrochondotomy epinephrine n. 肾上腺素 Epinephrine is a powerful cardiac stimulant. Epinephrine is one of the most potent vasopressor drugs known. The body produces epinephrine during times of stress. epinephrine adrenaline norepinephrine noradrenaline nephrasthenia nephropyosis eparterial renin肾素 epithelium peristalsis n. 蠕动 It is characterized by a return of peristalsis. These rhythmic waves of muscular relaxation and contraction are called peristalsis. reverse peristalsis peristaltic peristalsis periarteritis perithoracic -stalsis catastalsis retrostalsis peri- perimeter homeostasis urinary a. 泌尿的 Urolithiasis is a common disease of the urinary system. urinalysis urinary bladder urinative uriacidemia urine dermis n. skin 真皮 dermatosis dermatology dermatitis dermatologist eccrine adj. [生理]分泌腺的, 外分泌腺的 eccrine sweat gland eccrinology endocrine autocrine hypothalamus n. 下丘脑 hypo- 低钙血症 hypothalamotomy thalamo - hypocalcemia thalamocortical 丘脑皮质的 thermostat n. 自动调温器 thermometer thermodynamics thermostatic apparatus thermolysis -stat hemostat neuron n. nerve cell 神经细胞,神经元 neurolysis neuroscience neurobiology neuroanatomy hemoglobin n. 血红蛋白 hemo- hemophilia hemolytic hemodialysis globin n. 球蛋白 glycogen n. 肝糖,糖原质 glycogenolysis glycogenesis glycogenosis adipose a. f


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