卷珠帘 翻译赏析.ppt

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卷珠帘 翻译赏析

Rolling the Bead Curtain for Missing Lover A short play Translation Analysis Adaptation A short play Translation Analysis Criteria Aim Poem Criteria “从心所欲,不逾矩”——朱光潜在《诗论》中谈艺术,许渊冲借鉴来谈文学翻译 “意美,音美,形美”(A translated verse should be as beautiful as the original in sense, in sound and in form.)——许渊冲X.Y.Z《汉英对照唐诗三百首》 Aim 使读者“知之,乐知,好之” (make the reader understand and enjoy the version and delight in it) —— 许渊冲X.Y.Z《汉英对照唐诗三百首》 Title Rolling the Bead Curtain for Missing Lover Rolling the Bead Curtain for Missing You Portray the Lover (to the tune of Juanzhulian) Adaptation 珠帘卷起为谁深情,执笔描绘,怎琢君之眉宇相思汇。 寄红豆,难无处,恋字何如一见故。 无声夜,何暮光,穿纱潜入闺房却。 曾君伴,舞尽红尘,而今唯梦现,难掩思恋。 梨花泪雨,黯然潜心间。 独倚栏栅妆容面,盼归眷,只道闺中空憔念。 闻香不知何人晓,起珠帘,无人见。 高轩声声似回艳,缘错变。 满月明,倍增思情孤影怜。 春风化作枝桠添,微风笑人眠,落花流水几谁怨。 浮云深处琵琶乐,便作双蝶终如愿。 Thank you! Group1 镌刻好 每道眉间心上 Every painting engraved in the heart 画间透过思量 Portraying the yearning a lot 沾染了 墨色淌 Tears dripping, ink shading 千家文 都泛黄 Thousands of books yellowing 夜静谧 窗纱微微亮 Only candle light flickers in silent night 拂袖起舞于梦中徘徊 Dancing in dream just like yesterday 相思蔓上心扉 Lovesickness grows day by day 她眷恋 梨花泪 Pear blossom tears where to stay 静画红妆等谁归 For whom she attire and await? 空留伊人徐徐憔悴 Leave the fair lady wither away 啊 胭脂香味 Ah the scent of her rouge 卷珠帘 是为谁 Rolling the curtain for whose delay 啊 不见高轩 Ah no sign of the carriage 夜月明 此时难为情 Bright moon night with no love today 细雨落入初春的清晨 Drizzle in an early spring morning 悄悄唤醒枝芽 Awaking quietly the buds 听微风 耳畔响 Listening, the breeze echoing 叹流水兮落花伤 Signing for the falling flowers and stream 谁在烟云处情深长 For whom the melody is floating away 镌刻好 每道(眉间)心上 画间透过思量 沾染了 墨色淌 千家文 都泛黄 夜


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