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反倾销对中国外贸企业的影响 Brief Title: 反倾销对中国外贸企业的影响 The impact of anti-dumping on Chinese foreign-trade enterprises Objectives of the Project: Main objective: 分析反倾销对中国外贸企业的影响 Analyze the impact of anti-dumping on Chinese foreign-trade enterprises Sub-objectives of the project: 1. 反倾销对中国外贸企业有哪些影响, Firstly, what impact does anti-dumping have on Chinese foreign trade enterprises? 2. 然后说明用什么指标去评定这些影响, Secondly, it explains what indicators will be used to evaluate these impacts. 3. 最后写中国企业如何应对这些影响,得出相关结论Finally, it describes how Chinese enterprises deal with these impacts and comes to relevant conclusions. Statement of the Issue: 反倾销是WTO赋予缔约国抵制不公平贸易行为的主要措施之一, 反倾销制定的初衷是为了创造公平的竞争秩序,是反不正当竞争的延续。但反倾销成立至今,运行结果往往事与愿违,总是被一些国家以维护公平竞争的名义当作贸易保护主义的工具,成为限制本国产品同国外产品竞争的非关税贸易壁垒,日益变成贸易保护主义的法律武器。自20世纪初以来,反倾销手段在不断完善和强化,现已成为世界各国贸易政策和贸易救济中的一个主要组成部分。所以目前,反倾销措施已经成为一些国家,特别是一些发达国家行之有效的贸易保护手段,以达到限制进口的目的,在国际上形成了一股浪潮。 Anti-dumping is one of the main measures given by WTO for contracting states to boycott unfair trade behaviors. Its original intention is to create fair competition order, and continue to repress unfair competition. As things usually go against with will, since its establishment, anti-dumping has always been regarded as a tool of trade protectionism for some countries on behalf of maintaining the fair competition, and became the non-tariff trade barriers to restrict competition between home products and foreign products, also increasingly turned to be a legal weapon of trade protectionism. Since the early 1920s, the anti-dumping measures have been continually improved and strengthened. Nowadays, it becomes a principal component of world trade policy and remedy. Therefore, at present, the anti-dumping measures have become the effective means of trade protection to restrict import in some countries, especially in some developed countries, and formed an international wave. Reasons for the Choice: 随着中国经济的迅速发展和对外贸易的扩大,我国已成为世界反倾销的头号目标。反倾销不仅从微观层面上阻碍了中国一些商品的出口,也间接地对中国经济的发展产生了影响。自从


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