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Viewing Fib-C High Low Curves 反应曲线 方法学 运算法则 线性动力学 AT 终点减起点法 –终点的光学读数均值减去基线光学读数均值 DD 发色底物法 – 测定硝基苯 (pNA) 的释放量 当底物与分析物反应时 免疫比浊法 – 检测由于抗原/抗体复合物形成而导致的吸光率的变化 * DD 反应曲线 (below cut-off) 反应DELTA值与抗原浓度成比例 BASE LINE END POINT Delta of absorbance CASE 7 D-Dimer 标准试验失败 (执行稀释试验) * 反应曲线– Case7 D-Dimer“失败” * 抗原存在,快速凝集 5076起始斜率超过误差范围 反应曲线– Case 7 (1:5稀释) * 超出最大检测线性 (5.250 ng/mL) 5500 高于检测范围 反应曲线– Case 7 (高稀释度1:25) * 在26.250 ng/mL前的结果可接受 CASE 7 解释 非常高浓度的D-Dimer 标准试验= FAILED (饱和曲线形状) 1:5稀释 = 超出检测线性(高) 1:25稀释 = 高稀释度得到结果 * CASE 8 D-Dimer失败 显示错误“基线期高” * 反应曲线– Case 8 * 通常反应吸光度值在500 和1200 mAbs之间 5053 基线期平均值高 CASE 8 可能的解释 吸光度 (1281 mAbs) 超过临界值 样本可能浑浊(脂血, 溶血, 过度黄疸) 建议: 首先1:2稀释 (不是 1:5 稀释应为D二聚体结果可能是正常的) 如果1:2稀释结果大于1050 ng/ml 进一步稀释。. * * DDimer 定标曲线 D-DIMER 定标 * Dilution 靶值 (ng/mL) 吸光度Delta 100% 1030 237 50% 515 75 25% 258 30 * D-Dimer Dilution Values ng/mL Dilution 0 – 1050 no dilution 1051 – 5250 Yes, 1:5 5251 – 26250 Yes, 1:25 26250 Yes, if needed 1:2 稀释仅仅用于非常浑浊的标本 反应曲线是一个良好的工具 。 这种工具为确保可靠的结果提供保障,既节省时间,又节省费用。 ? 结论: * 谢谢 * 。 * * * The algorithm the TOP uses for each assay is defined in the test definition screen. An algorithm is a formula used to convert the raw optical measurements into a clotting time. Besides determining the clot time, it is also involved in smoothing the raw data into a visible curve and checking for clot integrity. If the raw data should not meet all of the acceptable criteria an error is generated. This is where viewing the clot curve can be quite helpful. The algorithms the TOP uses to determine clotting times is the First derivative algorithm and the Second derivative . * * * * * * This is an example of a Clauss Fibrinogen (Fib-C) calibration curve. The calibration curve is built by performing a Fib-C on a calibrator with a known amount of fibrinogen at various dilutions and plotting the measured seconds against the known conce


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