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Huring of extraction 拔牙创出血及血块形成 血块机化 骨组织的修复 上皮覆盖拔牙创 Complications of extraction of teeth Operative complications Postoperative complications postoperative hemorrhage infection Acute infection Dry socket Chronic infection Goodbye Oral local anesthesia and extraction of teeth Local anesthetic agent Tetracaine (dicaine) Procaine Lidocaine Bupivacaine Articaine(碧兰麻) Kinds of local anesthesia superficial anesthesia infiltration anethesia block anethesia or conduction anethesia block anethesia or conduction anethesia Block anethesia of posterior superior alveolar never Block anethesia of anterior palatine never Block anethesia of nasopalatine nerve Block anethesia of infraorbital nerve Block anethesia of inferior alveolar nerve Block anethesia of lingual nerve Block anethesia of buccal nerve Block anethesia of posterior superior alveolar never 解剖标志:上颌结节 进针点 操作要点 麻醉范围 Block anethesia of anterior palatine never 解剖标志:腭大孔 进针点 操作要点 麻醉范围 Block anethesia of nasopalatine nerve 解剖标志:切牙孔 进针点 操作要点 麻醉范围 Block anethesia of infraorbital nerve 解剖标志:眶下孔 进针点 操作要点 麻醉范围 Block anethesia of inferior alveolar nerve 解剖标志:下颌孔 进针点 操作要点 麻醉范围 Block anethesia of maxillary nerve 解剖标志:圆孔 进针点 操作要点 翼腭管注射法 颧下翼突注射法 麻醉范围 Block anethesia of mandibular nerve 解剖标志:卵圆孔 进针点 操作要点 麻醉范围 Complications of local anethesia and precaution and treatment Swoon Anaphylaxis Toxication Infection Hematoma Breaking the needle Facial paralysis Extraction of teethIndication Severe caries Peridontitis Ⅲ Severe apix Delayed deciduous teeth Multidentine malposed Impacted teeth Traumatism Orthodontic treatment Teeth that are foci of infection Extraction for treatment Contraindication Bloody disease: hemophilia refactory anemia leukemia Cardiovascular disease Diabetes mellitus Hyperthyroidism:thyr-oid crisis Nephropathy Hepatitis Pregnancy and menstruation Acute infection Malignent tumor Instruments Dental forceps, elevator, chisel, Gingival seperator, curette, mallet Steps for extraction 分离牙龈 挺松牙齿 安插牙钳 摇动或扭转 拔出
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