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口语 unit2

6. 据说盘古开天地时人类还没有出现。女娲用黄土做成了像她一样的人。从那以后,地球上的人类开始和平快乐地生活。但意外发生了,有一年支撑天空的四根柱子突然倒了,地球塌陷了。大火肆虐,洪水淹没了大地,凶狠的野兽开始吃人。女娲融化了五彩石修补天空中的裂隙。她砍下一只大乌龟的四只脚,取代了原来的四根柱子,把天空撑起来。这样她补好了天空,并撑起了天空的四个角,驯服了洪水,杀死了有害的猛兽,无辜的人们又能够幸福地生活了。 * * Unit 2 1. 注意连读和停顿 Many people in the United States eat out on the average of four times a week. If you invite someone to join you for dinner in a restaurant, you should phone first to find out whether you need a reservation. When you invite someone out to dinner, you should be prepared to pay the bill. However, sometimes the guests would rather pay so that they won’t feel indebted to you. When the bill arrives, look to see whether the tip has been added to the cost of the food. Most restaurants do not add the tip to the bill. You should leave a tip equal to 15 percent of the bill if the service is adequate. If the restaurant is expensive or if the service is especially good, you could leave up to 20 percent of the bill. 一 模仿朗读。根据录音大声朗读,每段录音读两遍。每段录音后会留出相应的时间,供学习者朗读。 ▲ 〓 ■ 1. Many people ? in the United States/ eat ? out ? on the ? average ? of four times ? a week./ If you invite someone to join ? you for dinner/ in ? a restaurant,/ you should phone first ? to find ? out/ whether you need ? a reservation./ When you invite someone ? out ? to dinner,/ you should be prepared to pay the bill./ However,/ sometimes the guests would rather pay/ so that they won’t feel ? indebted to you./ When the bill ? arrives,/ look to see whether the tip has been ? added to the cost ? of the food./ Most restaurants do not ? add the tip to the bill./ You should leave ? a tip ? equal to 15 percent ? of the bill/ if the service is ? adequate./ If the restaurant ? is expensive↗/ the service is ? especially good, ↘/ you could leave ? up to 20 percent ? of the bill. ↘ 朗读指导: (“ ? ”表示连读;“↗、↘”表示升、降调;“/”表示停顿) ▲ 〓 ■ 1. 大多数美国人每周平均外出就餐四次。如果你想邀请别人到饭店共进晚餐,应该先打电话问问需不需要订位子。如果你邀请别人一起吃饭,你就得付帐。但有时候被邀请的客人不愿意欠你的人情,也会愿意付帐。付账时要看看小费是否已经加到饭费里。大多数饭店的帐单里都不包含小费。如果服务很周到,客人应该留下相当于饭费15%的小费。如


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