
古印度文化【英文】 Great Ancient Indians.ppt

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古印度文化【英文】 Great Ancient Indians

GREAT INDIANS ARYABHATTA (476 CE) MASTER ASTRONOMER AND MATHEMATICIAN ARYABHATTA Born in 476 CE in Kusumpura (Bihar), Aryabhattas intellectual brilliance remapped the boundaries of mathematics and astronomy. In 499 CE, at the age of 23, he wrote a text on astronomy and an unparallel treatise on mathematics called Aryabhatiyam“. He formulated the process of calculating the motion of planets and the time of eclipses. Aryabhatta was the first to proclaim that the earth is round, it rotates on its axis, orbits the sun and is suspended in space - 1000 years before Copernicus published his heliocentric theory. He is also acknowledged for calculating p (Pi) to four decimal places: 3.1416 and the sine table in trigonometry. Centuries later, in 825 CE, the Arab mathematician, Mohammed Ibna Musa credited the value of Pi to the Indians, This value has been given by the Hindus“. And above all, his most spectacular contribution was the concept of zero without which modern computer technology would have been non-existent. Aryabhatta was a colossus in the field of mathematics. BHASKARACHARYA II (1114-1183 CE) GENIUS IN ALGEBRA BHASKARACHARYA II Born in the obscure village of Vijjadit (Jalgaon) in Maharastra, Bhaskaracharyas work in Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry catapulted him to fame and immortality. His renowned mathematical works called Lilavati and Bijaganita are considered to be unparalled and a memorial to his profound intelligence. Its translation in several languages of the world bear testimony to its eminence. In his treatise Siddhanta Shiromani he writes on planetary positions, eclipses, cosmography, mathematical techniques and astronomical equipment. In the Surya Siddhanta he makes a note on the force of gravity: Objects fall on earth due to a force of attraction by the earth. Therefore, the earth, planets, constellations, moon, and sun are held in orbit due to this attraction“. Bhaskaracharya was the first to discover gravity, 500 years before Sir Isaac N


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