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On Opinion Men have set up for themselves twin shapes to be named by Opinion (One they cannot set up, and herein do they wander in error), And they have made them distinct in their nature, and marked them with tokens, 论意见 人用意见把他们自己定在两种形式上,这两种形式中有一种是不能定的,因此他们在这一点上犯了错误。人们区别两种形式的性质,并且给它们做标志。 Opposite each unto each-the one, flame’s fire of the ether, Gentle, exceedingly thin, and everywhere one and the self-same, But not the same with the other; the other, self-similar likewise, 对立的形式中一种是以太的火焰,柔和,轻妙,自身各方面相等,但与别的东西不同,而其他东西也是与自身相同的。 * * 《论自然》(On the nature) 导读 序言 [D1]载着我的驷马高车引我前进, 极力驰骋随我高兴, 后来它把我带上女神的天下闻名的道路, 这条路引导有知识的人走遍所有的城。 Introduction Soon as the coursers that bear me and drew me as far as extendeth Impulse, guided me and threw me aloft in the glorious pathway, Up to the Goddess that guideth through all things man that is conscious, There was I carried along, for there did the coursers sagacious, Drawing the chariot, bear me, and virgins preceded to guide them- Daughters of Helios leaving behind them the mansions of darkness- Into the light,with their strong hands forcing asunder the night-shrouds, While in its socket the axle emitted the sound of a syrinx, 拉车的马儿们十分聪颖,曳(ye)引着我前进,少女们指引着路径。 赫利俄斯的女儿们抛开黑夜的居所,掠开头上的纱巾,向着光明迈进。 车轴飞转,轮毂嘶叫,红光闪烁; Glowing,for still it was urged by a couple of wheels well-rounded, One upon this side, one upon that, when it hastened its motion. There were the gates of the paths of the Night and the paths of the Day-time. Under the gates is a threshold of stone and above is a lintel. 因为它的两端在旋转的车轮中飞速地滚。 那里矗立着一座大门,白天和黑夜的路公式不在这里两边分; 门楣和石头的门限分明, These too are closed in the ether with great doors guarded by Justice- Justice the mighty avernger, that keepeth the keys of requital. Her did the virgins address, and with soft words deftly persuaded, Swiftly for them to withdraw from the gates the bolt and its fastener. 以太的大门上两扇巨大的门扉闭得紧紧; 保管启闭之钥匙的是狄凯,那司报应的正义女神。 少女们用恭维的词令央告这位女神, 聪明地劝诱她把拴牢的门闩从大门上挪开。 Opening wide, they uncovered the yawning expanse


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