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★ It can be thought of as energy stored within a physical system. ★ It is called potential energy because it has the potential to be converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy, and to do work in the process. ★ It is closely linked with forces Potential energy (势能) E mathematically Or, for atomic systems or We can check F(x) =?kx (胡克定律) F(x) = ?mg (重力) ? ~ is the region surrounding a local minimum of potential energy. ? Energy captured in a potential well is unable to convert to another type of energy because it is captured in the local minimum of a potential well. Potential energy trough or well (势阱) ? The amount of energy lost at the point of minimum energy is the ~ ? it represents the energy that would be required to separate these two atoms to an infinite separation. E0 , the curve shape, and bonding type a number of material properties determine Bonding energy (结合能) E0 For example: ? bonding energies ? ? melting temperatures?; ? solid liquids gaseous state ? The relationship between curve shape and mechanical stiffness Steep slope: relatively stiff Shallower slope: relatively flexible Strongly bonded Weakly bonded Separation r 0 Force F F-versus-r curve The type of bond Primary interatomic bonds 第一类(化学)键 Secondary bonds 第二类(物理)键 ionic covalent metallic van der Walls hydrogen 2.6 primary interatomic bonds Ionic bonding (离子键) Opposite sides of table Metal and nonmetal Electropositive and electronegative Donated (transferred) electron Na(metal) unstable Cl (nonmetal) unstable Na(cation) stable [Ne] Cl (anion) stable [Ar] Coulombic attraction Nucleus Valence electron transfer Fig. 2.9 Schematic representation of ionic bonding in sodium chloride (NaCl) Coulombic bonding force 1) 泡利不相容原理: 同一原子中,不可能有四个量子数 完全相同的两个电子。因此, 同一轨道只能容纳两个自旋相反的电子。 原子核外电子的分布原则 2) 能量最低原理: 基态原子中,电子是尽先占据 能量最低的原子轨道。 3)


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