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品類管理個案研討 Category Management Case Study 根據ECR Taiwan品類管理先導個案 Based on ECR Taiwan Category Management Pilot Project 個案研討重點 Case Study Agenda 個案研討之目標 Objectives of the Case Study Segment 品類管理模式 Category Management Model 品類管理過程(評分表及戰術) Work through the Cat Man Process, (Scorecard Tactics) 研擬品類計劃 Write a Category Plan 個案研討之目標 Objectives of the Case Study 瞭解品類管理模式 Understand the Category Management Model. 經由執行品類管理之流程瞭解各步驟間之關聯性 Understand the linkage between the Steps in the Model by working through Cat Man Process. 經由品類計劃瞭解品類管理之實際運作 Understand Practical Application of Category Management by Agreeing a Category Plan. 本先導個案背景說明 Pilot Background 聯合利華與國內某零售商共同參與 Unilever and retailer, Joint Industry Pilot. 由經濟部,ECR Taiwan及庫寶協助支援 Supported by MOEA, ECR Taiwan PWC. 將國際標準觀念試用推廣於台灣業界 Prove whether the International Concepts apply to Taiwan. 將專案成果付梓提供業界觀摩 Publish the Results for the Industry. 本個案 This Case Study 證明國際標準作業流程之可行性 Is the International Process, proven in Taiwan. 產品項目及市場資訊均為真實資料,但基於客戶資訊必威体育官网网址原則,資料明細業經修正 Is based on real SKU’s and market, but Data detail is changed for confidentiality. _____________________ International Category Management Model 國際品類管理模式 _____________________ Handout Material - Pages 3 4 (請參照講義第3頁與第4頁) 品類定義 Category Definition 品類角色 Category Role 供應商及零售商事先在品類定義與角色的認知上達成共識 These are generally agreed by Supplier Retailer management in advance. 品類定義及架構 Category Definition Structure 今日重點 - 濃縮類洗劑 Today’s Focus - Fabrics Concentrate 品類角色? Category Role? 品類角色 Category Role 品類角色 Category Role 品類評估 Category Assessment 目前該品類與其各個區隔的業績表現為何? What is the current performance of the Category and Segments? 相較於市場一般狀況,業績表現為何? How does the performance compare to the Market? 有哪些可以進一步改善業績的機會? What are the Opportunities for Improvement? ____________________ 品類評估 Category Assessment (Page 5) ____________________ 區隔的評估 (銷售) Category Segment Assessment (Sales) ____________________ 品類區隔的評估 (利潤) Category Segment Assessment (Profit) ______________


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