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品 牌 授 权 合 同 CONTRACT FOR BRAND AUTHORIZATION 签约各方: BETWEEN:     甲方(授权方):**********     乙方(被授权方):**********     丙方(生产加工方): 丁方(生产加工方):     Party A (Authorizing Party): **********0}     {0乙方(被授权方):上海爱茉莉兰芝化妆品有限公司}100{Party B (Authorized Party): ********** 0}     {0丙方(生产加工方):}100{Party C (Manufacturing and Processing Party): Party D (Manufacturing and Processing Party): 定义: DEFINITIONS: **********:系指由在韩国直接生产的或者由丙方、丁方依据乙方的指示,按照甲方提供的制造工艺和相关技术生产制造的,并由甲方依据本合同的约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国境内销售的相关品牌产品。 The term “**********” as used herein means such brand products as directly manufactured in Korea or as jointly manufactured by Party C and Party D subject to instructions of Party B and with the manufacture processes and related technologies provided by Party A hereunder, and as Party A authorizes Party B to sell within the territory of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with terms agreed herein.  发货发:系指收到乙方书面订购**********产品订单的本合同当事方,包括甲方、丙方和丁方。      2. “Supplier” as referred to herein means such party to this Contract as may receive written orders from Party B for **********, including Party A, Party C as well as Party D.  鉴于: WHEREAS,     1、甲方系一家依据大韩民国法律设立的企业法人,有意依据本合同之约定授权乙方在中华人民共和国境内销售**********产品,并愿意向丙方和丁方提供生产**********产品的相关制造工艺和技术,以便丙方和丁方可即使依据乙方的指示向乙方提供**********产品; 1. Party A, a corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the laws of the Republic of Korea, desires to, pursuant to provisions contained herein, authorize Party B as its agent to sell ********** within the territory of China, and agrees to provide Party C and Party D with related manufacturing processes and technologies for intended manufacture of **********, thus enabling Party C and Party D hereto to furnish to Party B **********subject to instructions of Party B;     2、乙方系一家依据中华人民共和国法律、法规设立的有限责任公司,愿意接受甲方的授权和委托,按照本合同之约定在中华人民共和国境内销售******产品;     2. Party B, a limited liability corporation duly incorporated and valid existing under the applicable laws and regulations of the


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