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我 国商业银行信 用风险管理研究 eond itio n s. 1 b eliev e that there are 加 e e P rerequ isites for the creati o n o f eomrn er亡iai b ank ered it risk : the m inu te d ivision o f P rin ciP al secot r o f th e ecno om y ,the un certa in ty o f eeon om ie a c tiv itie s,an d the d ev iati o n .o f a cut al resu lts fro m ex P ected tra g ets in eco n om ie a e tiv itie s. T h ird ly , I 诚 ll smmu 掀 z e the ch ara cter isti e s o f ered it r isk m an ag em en t in eo m m ercial b ank s : 1. em P h a siz in g the eorrelati o n o f cre dit r isk an d d iv ersifieati o n o f eredit r isk . 2 . R egu lato ry requ irem ent s sP e eifieati o n an d stan d ard iz ati o n 3 .att a ch equ al im P o rtan e e to ,‘b19 thr ee risk s,,4 .Th e com P lex ity o f risk m ea sur em en tm o d els,5 .S tro n g IT su P P ort 6 . Im P rov in g r isk m an ag em en t,P o licie s an d regU’lati o n . F in ally ,I 硒 11 in tro du ee the m a in aP P ro ach es in the eredi t r isk m an ag em en t-- ered it rati ng for cu stom ers, 几cility ratin g an d d iv ersified ereditrisk ev alu ati on . Th e seeo n d P art o f th is the sis an alyZ e s cu rrent staut s o f eo m m ercial b an k cre d it r isk an d exi stni g P ro b lem s. F irst 15 th e an aly sis o f eom m erc ial b an k credit r isk cu 汀ent eo n ditio n s,inclu d ing 1. C red it r isk la ck o f d iv ersificatio n . 2 . P o ten tial r isk from eredit exP an sio n 3 .R e lated 一 峨 y tran sa ctio n an d related 一P art y as sur an e e of financni g,w hich m a加 fied eredit risk .4 .C redit loan by Private ent erprise h as relati v ely m o re cre dit r isk . S eco n diy 1 w i ll inrt o du ce the su eee ss that eom m ere ial b ank cred it r isk m an a


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