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A st Ud y o fA ecou n tin g P e rso n n e lT ra in in g P a tt 绷 o f ln d e Pen d en t C o lleg e s in C h in a th e d ev elo P m en t foun d atio n ,if sim u ltan eo u sly th e g o o d sP e e ia lty d o e s n o t h av e g o o d P erso nn el tra in in g P att 翻 ,its grad u ate a lso sim ilarly to la ck th e m ark et co m P et it iv e P o w er th en in f lu en c e in stitut e th e surv iv a l d ev e lo P m en t 、 In v iew o f th is,1 ch o o se th is to P ie an d earry o u t th e re search . T h is P ap er fri st an alyZ es the b aek groun d o f P rodu cin g from the in stitution s of h igh er le二 in g in d 即en den t in stitute,thr ou gh the P oliey exP lanation ,to the in stitut ion s of h igh er leam in g in d eP en d en t in stitU te ,5 P ro d u ctio n an d d ev e lo P in g P ro c e ss co m b in g ,to th e in stitution s of h igh er learn in g in deP en d ent in stitUte,5 sch oo l P attern an d the dev eloPm entP resent situation an aly sis,h as Prom u lgated the in stitution s of h igh er le姗 in g in d eP en d ent in stitUte ,5 b a sie ch ara eter istie ,su m m ari z e d th e in stitUtio n s o f high er Iearnln g indeP en den t in stitut e to our countr了high er edu eation in fiu en ee ; T h en the P erso rm e l tra in in g P re sen t sitUatio n h a s m a d e a sim P le inrt o d u c tio n to in stitution s of h igh er learn in g in deP en den t in stitute aecoun tant, d ev eloP s in d eP en d en t in stitUte a c e o u n tan t th e P erso nn e l tra in in g P att ern e o n stru e tio n th e ag en t an a ly sis,d etemr in e d its P erso nn el tra in in g the d ire ctio n an d th e sP e c if ic requ est,the un ion h igh er edu eation apP li


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