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A b str a c t T he Independent D irector System ,originated from th e U n ited States of A m erica in the 1930s5w as introdu ced to C h ina in the 1990s. T he sy stem w as initially w elcom ed w ith great enthu siasm by regu lators as w ell as listed com panies, w ith th e hope of im proving the com panys m anagem ent structure, rem edying the shortage of board of superv isors, protecting th e interests of sm all an d m edium shareholders as w ell as the investors, an d prom otin g the developm ent of the m arket econom y. H ow ever, m ore an d m ore controv ersies h ave b een brought up again st th e system ,th e Mno in depen dency an d alienated situation of th e sy stem h av e b een b ein g increasingly sever. A s for the reason s, it has b een cau sed by lots of legislation defects of th e Independent D irector Sy stem in our country. T he th esis con sists of three parts to dem on strate the Indep endent D irector sy stem of our country, concretely an alysing the system in the m ann er of com parison, analy sis and induction w ith the h ope of putting forw ard som e usefu l advices on the perfection of current law s an d regu lation s. T he first part deals w ith the Independent D irector sy stem s origination , developm ent and its legal connotation,and undertakes discu ssion of the basis of N om ology ,altogether d iscu ss the concept of .th e Indepen dent D irector system . T he second part review s the background of its introduction and the legislative progress, m ainly focu ses on the legislation defects of the Independent D irector System in our country, such as the independency, the part-tim e nature, the differen ce from the board of supervisors, incentive m echan ism and the legal liabilities,etc. T he third part m ainly focu ses on the professionalization and its legal system of th


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