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O n t he suP 曰,lsor y sy ste m o f m an a ge ro f b a nk r uP tey in o ur eou n t yi 印卫b igu ou s ;an d the leg al sequ en ts o f su P erv isio n 15 5而 P le .A t the sam e tim e there also ex ist som e Pr act ice d e fects su ch as :P eP o le d oub t the n eu trality staot s o f eourt : the b ar改ruP tey P ro ced u re 15 alw ay s d isturb ed b y lo eal g o v emn ent s ; an d th e m anager of bankruptcy has h igh er adnl in istrative level but low er professional qu ality T h is 翻 ele an aly sed the reason s o f d efects ab ov e. Th e th ird P art o f this art icle stud ied the suP erv iso ry sy stem o f m an ag er o f b 鱿改m P tey in eiv il law eoun tri e s an d eo mm o n law co un tri e s from the an g le o f eom P aratiV e stud y,an d the 别rticle edu eed sev eral ex eri en e e s as follo w in g : w e sh o u ld insist o n the d o etrin e o f co u rt cen tre ,stick P ow er to re sP o n sib ilit玉‘enh an ee the P rofession al qu ality o f the m an ag er o f b arLkrUP tey, an d regu late the a d m ini srt ati ve interv en ing m e a sur 已 Th e fou r i五 P art o f thi s a rticle Su g g ested that w e sh o u ld co n ~ m ate the system of m anager of the b ar改ruPtey at the tnain b o勿 of suP erv ise,suP erv ise stan d ard an d suP erv ise d u ty. A t the sam e t而 e this artic le a lle g ate that w e sh o u ld e stba lish som e m atch ing sy stem s su ch as th e tra d e m an ag em en i sy stem o f m an ag er ofthe b 肛改ruPtey and the legal system ofPub lic righ ts in b 翻火ruPtcy. Th e inn o v ati o n o f th is article ex isted in follo w in g a sP ects : firstly ,the a rtic le


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