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BASIC PRINCIPLES IN OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE 职业卫生基本原则 Day 4 第4天 17 - IONIZING RADIATION 17-电离辐射 Nature 性质 It is possible to explain many atomic scale phenomena by assuming that all atoms are made up of three fundamental particles. These are called electrons, protons and neutrons. 通过假设所有原子均由三种基本粒子(电子、质子和中子),构成,可以解释许多原子级现象。 The simplest atomic combination is formed by one electron and one proton ? the hydrogen atom. 一个电子和一个质子可以构成最简单原子(氢原子)。 In general, however, a number of negatively charged electrons rotate in certain allowed orbits around a central nucleus which is composed of an equal number of positively charged protons and some neutrons. 但是,一般情况下,多个带负电电子在指定轨道上围绕中心核旋转,该中心核由相同数量的带正电电子和一些中子构成。 Hydrogen Isotopes 氢同位素 氢 氘 氚 Different Types of Ionising Radiation 电离辐射的不同类型 Type 类型 Symbol 符号 Nature 性质 Charge 带电 Relative Mass 相对质量 Range in Air 空气中的范围 Penetration 渗透 alpha 阿尔法 ? particulate (helium nucleus) 微粒(氦核) + + 4 0.4 - 2 cm None 无 beta 贝它 ? particulate (electron) 微粒(电子) - 1/1800 5-20 cm Slight 轻微 neutron 中子 n particulate (neutron) 微粒(中子) 0 1 long High 高 Gamma 伽马 ? electro-magnetic 电磁 0 0 v.long High 高 x-ray X射线 ? electro-magnetic 电磁 0 0 v.long High 高 Radionuclides 放射性核素 Ionising radiation is emitted from unstable nuclei which are decaying, with the emission of energy. 电离辐射是不稳定原子核放出的射线,有能量发出,原子核会衰变。 These are known as radioactive nuclei (radionuclides). 这些就是放射性核(放射性核素)。 The trefoil symbol is used to indicate radioactive material. 表示放射性物质的三叶形符号。 A radionuclide loses its radioactivity by decay. 放射性核素通过衰变失去放射能。 Units of Ionising Radiation 电离辐射的单位 Most countries now use the International System of Units (abbreviated SI from the French le Système International dUnités) which is the modern form of the metric system. 现在,大多数国家采用国际单位制(简称SI,来源于法国国际单位制)来表示电离辐射的单位,该单位是现代公制形式。 The US continues to use an older system for some regulatory purposes. 因监管原因,美国继续沿用老版单位制。 Units for Measuring Radiation – Part 1 辐射测量单位 - 第1部分 Acti


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