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作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2014, 40(6): 1027−1034 / ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9 E-mail: xbzw@ DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2014.01027 一个快速响应干旱的F-box 基因的克隆和表达分析 尹 恒 余琴鸯 安利佳 李文利∗ , 116024 : F-box Skp1-Cullin1-F-box (SCF)E3 , F-box , SiFBX (GenBank KC252635.1) 510 bp, 170 , , , EID1 FBW4 1.9 kb , PCR , PEG ABA , : ; ; F-box; gRT-PCR Cloning and Expression Analysis of an F-box Gene (SiFBX) Rapidly Respon- sive to Drought Stress * YIN Heng, YU Qin-Yang, AN Li-Jia, and LI Wen-Li School of Life Science Biotechnology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China Abstract: F-box proteins, components of the Skp1-Cullin1-F-box (SCF) protein E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, serve as the variable component responsible for substrate recognition and recruitment in SCF-mediated proteolysis. The anti-drought relative gene of SiFBX (GenBank accession number KC252635.1) which belongs to the F-box super family was cloned from foxtail millet (Se- taria italic). The full-length cDNA of SiFBX was 510 bp, which encoded 170 amino acid residues. Protein analysis and structure predication showed that it has a higher proportion of arginine (R), leucine (L), and serine (S) and a lack of trans-membrane do- mains and signal peptide. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that SiFBX has similarity with EID1 and FBW4 . Many abiotic stress-related cis-acting elements and transcription factors were discovered in the 1.9 kb upstream region of SiFBX. The results of real-time PCR showed that there were remarkable


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