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上饶师范学院美术与设计学院 毕 业 论 文 题 目: 刍议“细节”于室内设计师的重要性 学生姓名:戚爱春 专 业:艺术设计 班 级:11美(13) 指导教师:龚昊婷 二○一五年四月 摘要 随着生活水平的提高,现在人对于生活的要求也是随之提高,不在像以前那样只要有房住就可以了,现代人要求住的安全、舒服、美观等等。这也就促成了一个行业的兴起,那就是——室内设计师。在现在的大环境好的情况下,学习室内设计的越来越多,我们面临的竞争压力也就越来越大。室内设计师都认同细节决定成败,在室内设计过程中,殊多的室内细节设计问题均与室内设计的概念设计相辅相成,互为因果。不同的细节决定了不同的机会和境界,抓住并成功做好室内设计中的细节处理,有利于室内设计师创造出更具有特色的优秀作品。论文主要分为四个章节:首先笔者就其室内设计中细节的定义进行了详细地阐述,为下文打下了理论性的基础;然后笔者就细节于室内设计师重要性进行了详细地分析研究,最后笔者对此课题做了自己的诠释。最后笔者总结了本课题。 关键词:室内设计师;室内细节设计;重要性分析 Abstract With the improvement of living standards, people now also increases the requirements for life, not like before, as long as there is room for it, the modern people live in safety, comfortable, beautiful and so on. This also led to the rise of an industry, that is -- interior designer. In the current environment is good, to learn more and more of the interior design, we are facing the pressure of competition is more and more big. Interior designers have recognized the details determine success or failure, in the interior design process, interior details design problems as are complement each other and concept design of interior design, reciprocal causation. Different details decide the different opportunities and seize the realm, and successful details in interior design, interior designers to create outstanding works more distinctive. The thesis is divided into four chapters: first of all, the author defines the details of its interior design in detail, for the following lay a theoretical basis; and then the author details the importance to interior designers are analyzed in detail, and finally the author of this thesis made it your own. Finally, the author summarizes the subject of. Keywords: interior design; interior design details the importance analysis; 目录 摘要 2 关键词: 2 Abstract 2 Keywords: 2 目录 3 一、引言 3 一、室内设计中细节的定义 4 二、细节于室内设计师的重要性 5 (一)室内设计结构层面 5 (二)空间界面层面 6 (三)色彩与材质层面 6 (四)采光与照明层面 7 (五)陈设与家具层面 7 三、 自己对细节与室内设计师重要性的阐述 7 四、结束语 8 参考文献 8 致谢 9 一、引言 笔者通过研究大量的文献资料研究发现,室内设计归根到底可以说是一门实用


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