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002-140804-[读书]嫉羡、嫉妒与贪婪(国外英语资料) [reading] envied, jealousy, greed (I) Envied, is a kind of feelings of anger, which was another possession and enjoy certain desires -- impulse is envied or damaged it stole it. In addition, envied only means that the subject has a relationship with a person, and he goes back to the first row relationship with her mother. Envy, is envied based, but it involves a relationship with at least two people, mainly refers to subject feel they deserve love by his opponent from him away, or is in danger of being taken away. The common feeling of jealousy in everyday life is that a man or woman feels deprived of someone else by the person she loves. Greed is an impulsive, insatiable desire, far beyond the needs of the subject and what the object is willing and willing to give. In the unconscious, the greedy goal is to completely emptied, dry and engulfed the breast, or in other words, the goal is to destroy the perturbation; and in this way is envied not only trying to snatch, and try to put something bad (mainly bad excreta and autologous bad parts into maternal) first of all, and is to put these things into her breast, to destroy her and destroy her. In the deepest sense, it means destroying her creativity. This is a process from the urethral and anal sadistic sadistic impulses, elsewhere I define it as a life begins at the beginning of the destructive side of projective identification. In spite of greed and envied is so closely linked, to make a strict dividing line; but a basic difference between the two is correspondingly is mainly associated with endocytosis of greed, and envied is linked with the projection. (two) According to the concise Oxford dictionary (jealousy), jealousy means taking away or been given in this should belong to the individual good stuff. In this context, I basically explain good things to the good breasts, the mother, and the loved ones that have been taken away by others. According to Grab (Grabb) English synonyms:


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