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cad常用指令(国外英语资料) CAD commonly used shortcut commands: L -- straight line C -- round REC -- rectangle O -- move! M -- move CO -- copy RO -- spin T - - text TR -- cut back PL -- polyline E -- delete MA -- match U -- return P -- moving drawings Z -- zoom MO - property LI -- area statistics S -- pull up! SC -- scale scaling X - - tie up! CAD commonly used shortcut keys AIT+O+C-- color (following AIT+O) +N-- Linetype +L-- layer +W-- linewidth +S-- text style +D-- table note style +Y-- print styles +P-- point styles +M-- multiline style +V-- unit style +T-- thickness +A-- circle boundary +R-- rename Drawing (direct command): OT-- single line text T - multiline text B - create blocks (heavy) I - insert block (weight) A - arc MI-- mirror M - move (about this command or try it!) SC-- proportion LEN-- stretch (heavy) The role of F1~F11: F1 help F2 text window F3 object capture F4 (forgot) F5 isometric plane F6 coordinate F7 grid F8 orthogonal F9 capture F10-- polar axis tracking F11-- object tracking By the way, add a metal material to adjust the data, I think this effect is better, and may be used to: Metal: 100/20/50, reflective 100 CAD commonly used shortcut keys AutoCAD2002 shortcut key 3A uses arrays of 3D objects 3DO rotating space angle of view 3F creates 3F surfaces 3P specifies the starting point for multiple line segments A arc AA computer area and perimeter AL align AR array ATT property definition ATE block attribute B definition block BH defines pattern fill BO creates boundaries BR interrupts C circle CH modifies object properties CHA right angled COL color CO replication D callout settings DAL tagging DAN angle callout DBA arc labeling DCE center mark DCO continuous tagging DDI measurement of circle diameter DO concentric rings DOV modifies annotation variables DRA callout radius DIV equal DI measurement DT input text DV camera adjustment E delete ED modify text EL ellipse EX extension EXIT exits EXP output data EXT stretch F fillet FI filter selection G object


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