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matlab中的基本命令(国外英语资料) First, commonly used object operations: in addition to the general windows window common function keys. 1, dir can view the file of the current working directory. Dir can be viewed in DOS status. 2, who can view the current workspace variable name, and whos can view the variable name details. 3 function keys: function key shortcuts that direction key Ctrl+P return to the previous line input direction keys Ctrl+N to return to the next line of input direction left key Ctrl+B cursor back a character right Ctrl+F cursor move forward a character Ctrl+ right Ctrl+R cursor to the right one character left key direction Ctrl+ Ctrl+L cursor left shift a cursor to the character of the home Ctrl+A End Ctrl+E Esc Ctrl+U cursor to the end of the line to remove a line of Del Ctrl+D clear cursor character Backspace Ctrl+H delete a character Ctrl+K deleted before the cursor to the end of the line Ctrl+C interrupts the command 4 that is being executed. CLC can command the contents of the window, but does not clear the workspace. Two, function and operation 1, operator: +: add: minus: * multiply: /: divide. 2, commonly used functions: sin (sine) (Cot) (variable curvature) cotangent (variable radians) (sind) (sine variables degrees) (Cotd) (variable degrees) cotangent (asin) arcsine (Acot) (radians) arccot (Asind) - (radians) sine (return degrees) (acotd) arccot (return degrees) (COS) exp (variable cosine curve) (cosd) (index) (variable cosine degrees) (log) (ACOS) (logarithm returns radians) log10 (Yu Zhengxian) in 10 as the logarithm of acosd (Yu Zhengxian) (return degrees) (sqrt) (tan) (square tangent variable curve) realsqrt () tand () returns a nonnegative root tangent (variable degrees) (ABS) atan (absolute value) arctangent (angle) (radians) return complex phase Bit angle atand (), tangent (return degree), mod (x, y), return the remainder of x/y (sum), vector element sum 3, and other functions can be obtained by using help, ELfun, and help specfun commands.


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