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MATLAB常用命令及函数大全(字母顺序)(国外英语资料) Matlab command and function list It took some time to list the commands and functions of MATLAB in alphabetical order for your reference. 17. A a ABS absolute values, modulus, and ASCII code values of characters ACOS inverse cosine Acosh inverse hyperbolic cosine Acot arccot Acoth inverse cotangent ACSC arccsc Acsch inverse cosecant Align starts the graphic object geometry location tool All all elements are nonzero and true Angle phase angle Default variable name for the result of the ANS expression calculation Any all elements are not whole zero to be true Area surface area graph Argnames function M file quantity name ASEC cut anyway Asech inverse hyperbolic secant Asin anti sine Asinh inverse hyperbolic sine Assignin assign values to variables Atan tangent Atan2 four quadrant inverse tangent Atanh inverse hyperbolic tangent Autumn red, yellow and autumn scenery Axes creates low-level instructions for axis objects The axis controls the axis, scale, and style of the high-level instructions B B Bar two-dimensional histogram Bar3 3D histogram Bar3h 3D horizontal histogram Barh two-dimensional horizontal histogram Base2dec X decimal to decimal BIN2DEC binary to decimal Blanks creates a string of spaces Bone blue black and white color map array Box frame coordinate axis Break, while, or for ring interrupt instruction Brighten brightness control C C Capture the current graphics before capture (version 3) Cart2pol rectangular coordinates change to polar or cylindrical coordinates Cart2sph rectangular coordinates into spherical coordinates Cat string into a high dimensional array Caxis color scale calibration CD specifies the current directory Cdedit starts the user menu, the control callback function design tool Cdf2rdf complex eigenvalue diagonal matrix turns into real block diagonal matrix Ceil rounding toward positive infinity Cell creates a cell array The cell2struct cell array is converted to an array of frames Celldisp shows the content


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