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The Battle of Hastings * Portrait of William the conqueror William the Conqueror William I (1027—1087), also known as William the Conqueror, was the first Norman King of England from Christmas 1066 until his death. He was also Duke of Normandy from 3 July 1035 until his death. Before his conquest of England, he was known as William the Bastard because of the illegitimacy of his birth. Early life William was born in either 1027 or 1028 in Chateau de Falaise in Falaise, Normandy, France(法国卡尔瓦多斯省法莱斯的法莱斯城堡), and more likely in the autumn of the later year. His father is Robert Ⅰ, and mother is Herlette of Falaise. Duke of Normandy William the Conqueror invades England Norsemen The Normans were the people who gave their name to Normandy, a region in northern France. They were descended from Viking conquerors(维京征服者) of the territory领土 and the native population of mostly Frankish and Gallo-Roman stock. The name Normans derives from Nortmanni (Northmen),after the Vikings who founded Normandy. They played a major political, military, and cultural role in medieval(中世纪的 )Europe and even the Near East. They were famed for their martial(军事的) spirit. Norman adventurers established a kingdom in Sicily(西西里岛) and southern Italy by conquest, and a Norman expedition(远征) on behalf of their duke led to the Norman Conquest of England. Norman influence spread from these new centres to the Crusader States in the Near East, to Scotland and Wales in Great Britain, and to Ireland. Reasons It was said that king Edward had promised the English throne(王位 )to William, but the Witan(盎格鲁-撒克逊时期的议会议员 )chose Harold as king. So William led his army to invade England. In October 1066, during the important battle of Hastings, William defeated Harold and killed him. One Christmas Day, William was crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey , thus beginning the Norman Conquest of England. William the Conqueror The Norman conquest of England began on 28 September 1066 with the invasion of England by Wil


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