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浙江海洋学院东海科学技术学院本科生毕业论文船用小型三相逆变电源系统设计黄利斌(浙江海洋学院机电工程学院,浙江舟山316000)摘要本文介绍了基于SPWM控制的船用三相逆变电源装置的设计。该装置既可以满足使用恒 频恒压正弦交流电的船舶电气设备的要求,也可以满足使用变频变压正弦交流电的调速电机 的要求。该装置还具有体积小、效率较高、直流电压利用率较高等特点。小功率三相逆变电 源是现代电力电子技术的应用。本论文还分析了国内外小功率电源的发展和现状,对整流电 路、逆变电路进行了介绍,研究了小功率三相逆变电源的基本原理。采用正弦波脉宽调制 (SPWM)技术,SPWM信号由波形发生器SA4828产生。本设计采用交一直一交变频方案, 主要由整流电路、逆变电路、滤波电路、隔离瘦压电路组成。其中,整流电路采用单相桥式 不可控整流电路;逆变电路采用三相电压型桥式逆变电路;控制电路采用SA4828波形发生器 进行变频控制。本文首先确定电路的组成及原理,然后确定各个分电路的组成及器件的参数 计算,包括IGBT和滤波电路的参数计算。最后采用ORCAD对小功率三相逆变电源进行了仿 真分析并画出了电源电路的电气原理图。关键词:现代电力电子技术;IGBT;逆变电路;SA4828; SPWM技术I浙江海洋学院东海科学技术学院本科生毕业论文AbstractThe paper presents the design of three-phase inverter power supply device of ship which based on SVPWM control method. The three-phase inverter power supply device .The device is not only fit for the electric devices of ship which use constant voltage and constant frequency sinusoidal alternating current, but also fit for the timing motors which use variable voltage variable frequency sinusoidal alternating current. The devices had some strongpoint,such as small volume,high efficiency and high utilize efficiency of DC voltage. Low-power three-phase power inverter is the power of modem electronic technology applications. This paper analyzed the domestic and international small power supply to the development and status of the rectifier, inverter circuits were introduced on a small three-phase power inverter the basic principles. A sine wave PWM (SPWM) technology, SPWM signal generated by the waveform generator SA4828. This design user AC-DC-AC Frequency conversion plan, and the main rectifier circuit, inverter circuits, filter circuit ; inverter circuits using three-phase voltage inverter bridge circuit; control circuit SA4828 waveform generator used to control frequency. This article first determine the composition and circuit theory, and then determine the composition of the various sub-circuits and devices parameters, including IGBT and filtering circuit parameters. Finally ORCAD use of small three-phase p


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