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When Chinese traditional delicacies get lost on their way of translation , do they still attract you ?? Then , let us enjoy some attractive delicacies ;关里老家酱猪尾 Nausea sauce pork 恶心酱汁猪肉 Nausea:作呕,恶心 Sause:调味汁;酱汁;东北风行扒猪 Grandpa‘s pa big face sato 爷爷的扒大脸sato;车打芝士腌肉蘑菇面 The car hit cheese bacon mushroom face 车撞奶酪培根蘑菇脸;金牌烧鹅 The gold medal burns the goose 金牌燃烧鹅肉;臊子干拌 Smell of urine mixed with dried 尿液的气味混合脱水物 Urine:小便;云南皱椒鸡枞 Stir-fried wikipedia with pimientos 辣椒爆炒维基百科;竹香蟹黄膏 Crap eggs with bamboo flavor 带有竹子香气的粪蛋 Flavor:味,韵味,香料;滋味掌中宝 Taste handheld devices 品尝掌中设备;一品口水鸡 Saliva of a chicken product 一个鸡肉产品的唾液 Saliva:唾液,口水; Is necessary to translate Chinese menu into English ? If necessary , how to make foreigners understand these delicacies when they see the menu? ;Word-for-word translation 直译类,这类比较简单 锅贴 pot sicker(这个翻译非常直接,锅就是锅,贴就是贴) 酸辣汤 hotsour soup(又辣又酸的汤) 春卷 spring rolls(春天的卷) 柠檬牛肉 lemon beef 炒杂菜 mixed vegetable(混合在一起的菜) 四喜丸子 four-joy meatballs(四个快乐的肉球) 清蒸鱼 steam fish 火锅 hot pot(热锅) ;transliteration 音译类 馄饨 won ton 叉烧 char shiu 炒面 chow mein 捞面 lo mein 炒河粉 chow fun 豆腐 tofu 麻婆豆腐 mar-boh tofu ;曲译类 白云凤爪 chicken leg(鸡脚) 四宝豆腐羹 steam tofu soup(蒸豆腐汤) 游龙戏凤 chicken, shrimp, squid w/ mixed vegetable(鸡,虾,鱿鱼,杂菜) 炒素丁 vegetable roll(菜卷子) 鸳鸯馒头 shanghai buns(上海馒头) 雪哈红莲 bird nest red bean soup(鸟窝红豆汤) 百年好合 red bean fresh lily bulb(红豆百合茎) ;In my opinion ,we need not to translate special delicacy Which has a romantic story into English. Such as “过桥米线”,“夫妻肺片”,“八仙过海闹罗汉”,“东坡肘子”“叫化鸡”and so on . It’s hard to make foreigners understand the delicacy when they enjoy it . ;But If a foreigner friend want to make deep comprehension of a Chinese delicacy , I may show a menu as follows to him . (A picture, A pin yin name and A story);I am much obliged to you!


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