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Lesson 2 It’s getting warmer 1.今天的天气预报 2.在广播 3.雷阵雨 4.害怕某人或某物 5.谈论日出(落) Understand and remember expressions : today’s weather report on the radio a thunder storm be scared of sb./ sth. talk about the sunrise/ sunset How many hours of daylight are there on March 21st? ___ spring,the sun rises ___six o’clock ___ the morning____ the east. In in in at There are twelve hours of ________(白天) on March 21st daylight _____ Fill in the blanks: Lightning Lightning is hot ! The air near lightning can be 30,000 degrees! That’s hotter than the sun . Fascinating facts ________ is hot, that’s ___ than the sun lightning hotter Thunder ______ a noise. makes noise make a noise make much noise make a loud noise There are many children in the classroom, They (制造很大的噪音). The baby is sleeping ,don’t __________ You shouldn’t ____________ in class. make a loud noise make a noise make a noise How can we write dates with numbers? 三月二十一号 March twenty-first March 21st March 21 五月八号 May eighth May 8th May 8 Snow ______(融化) quickly ___ the warm sun. melts in Look! The snow ___________ in the sun is melting In spring,the weather ____(变得) warmer. becomes gets Read and answer 1How many hours of daylight are there on March21? Why? There are twelve hours of daylight. Because the sun rises at about six o’clock in the morning and it sets at about six o’clock in the evening. 2.What’s spring weather like? The weather becomes warmer. The temperature goes up. 3. What is the temperature of the air near lightning? The air near lightning can be 30,000 degrees. 1.在4月23日 2.用数字写日期 3.多少小时的白天 4.在早上6:00点 5.你已经知道的两个单词 6.在初/暮春 7.在温暖的阳光下 8.迷人的事实 9.发出很大的响声 10.伴随着雷声和闪 电的暴风雨 1.on April 23rd 2. write dates with numbers 3.how many hours of daylight 4.at 6:00 in the morning 5.two words you already know 6.in early / late spring 7.in the warm sun 8.fascinating facts 9.make a loud noise 10.storms with thunder and light


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