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Exercise 单项选择 1. No one knows the boy____saved Tom from the river. A. whom B. he C. who 2. Bob,it’s getting cold,______take a jacket with you? A. why not B. what about C. would you like D. you’d better New words: ladder injure fault ambulance Accident To whom did the accident happen? What happened to Danny? Where did the accident happen? When did the accident happen? How did the accident happen? Why did the accident happen? Who was hurt in the accident? Can you act out the accident? Danny Jenny Brain * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------专注教育,服务教师------ 冀教版初中英语九年级上课件 金太阳教学资源 南东坊中学:王雪梅 C A 3. ---Must I hand in my composition today? ---No, you_________.You may give it to me tomorrow. A. don’t have to B. can’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t 4. What_______to him yesterday evening ? A. was happened B. happened C. happening D. happen A B 仔细的; 认真的 careful 天花板 ceiling n. 梯子 v. 伤害; 损害 n. 缺点;过错 n. 救护车 严肃的;严重的 serious who what where when how why who Language notes: 1. be careful 同义短语: look out , take care 例: --- I’m going to buy another skirt. --- Hey, you’d better be____with your money. A. busy B.kind C. free D. careful D 2. Isn’t it beautiful? 难道它不漂亮吗? 此句是修饰疑问句,它是为了取得一种修饰上的效果而提出的,实际上相当于陈述句, 不需要回答,但肯定结构表否定,否定结构表肯定.这种疑问句如属一般疑问句,用声调;如属特殊疑问句,则用降调.例如: What more do you want? 你还想要什麽?(意即你不应该再想要什麽了,应知足了.) Is it important? 这件事对你重要吗? (意即对你无关紧要,何必问呢?) Aren’t you full? 难道你还没饱啊?(意即吃了那麽多,该饱了.) 3.He’s lying on the floor.他正躺在地板上. lie vi. lie--- lay ----lain----lying ; lie 过去式、过去分词为规则变化. 4.琼斯先生,那是我的错. It’s my fault, Mr.Jones. fault 此处是”过错:过失” 的意思,用来表示承担某事的责任. false adj. 错误的;假的; 5. 我没有听他们的提醒. I didn’t listen to their warning. listen to 意思是”听,倾听;听从,听信” 例如: 你没有听我的话. You’re not listening to what I say. listen (out) for sth. 意思是”留神等着听(某声音).”例如: Please listen (out) for the phone while I’m having a shower.我洗澡时,请你留心听着有没有电话来.


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