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张海迪 郑智化 What do you know about Helen Keller? Helen Keller She was blind and deaf. Helen’s Books Lesson10 Touch the world 教学目标 1.识记单词及词组短语blind deaf sight courage greatly writer educator well-known=famous , learn from…; be well-known for = be famous as;. at the age of. have a high fever. between…and… 2.熟练掌握课文内容并用自己的话表述, 3.通过本节课的学习,使学生对生活充满积 极向上的态度。 Lead in planetary [?pl?n?tri] .adj. 行星的; 俗世的, Helen Keller [hel?nkel?] 海伦.凯勒 writer [?ra?t?(r)] n.作家; 作者 educator [?ed?uke?t?(r)]n.教育工作者,教育家 blind [bla?nd] adj.失明的;瞎的 deaf [def] adj.失聪的,聋的 illness [ilnis] n.疾病 ability [?biliti] n.能力 AnneSullivan [?ns?liv?n] 安妮沙利文 progress [?pr??gres] n.进步; community [k??mju:n?ti] n.社区; greatly [?gre?tli] adv. 大大地,非常; 1.听说 2.作家兼教育家 3.在······岁时 4.起初 5.出生于 6.取得很大的进步 7.在她生病之前 8.充满 9.do one’s best to do sth 10.fall/get/be ill(sick) Thinking 1.hear of 2.the writer and educator 3.at the age of 4.at first 5.be born in/on 6.make a lot of progress 7.before her illness 8.be filled with 1.When she was 19 months old, he ____ (fall)ill. 2.As she grew older, she ________(learn) _______(read). 3. She did her best ______(help) other people. 4. She will be _____ (great) missed. 5. These words didn’t mean __________ (something) to Hellen. fell learned to read to help greatly anything 课前检测 自主学习 Listening : True or False 1.Helen Keller is a famous writer and educator . 2.Helen Keller was born in 1880 in England . 3.A high fever made Helen blind and deaf. T T F 4.Helen’s teacher , Anne Sullivan taught her the first word--- “ mother ”. 5.Helen had special books with letters she could touch . 6.Helen Keller was very famous for her courage and hard work. F T T Read the text and complete: Helen Keller is a well-known __________________ (作家和教育家)She was a _____ (楷模)for people around the world. She __________(出生) in 1980 in the USA. When she was young, she _


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