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think about it! Do you like gardening? Self-learning guide 1. Read the lesson loudly, and underline the word and phrases you dont understand in the text. (5 mins) Discuss in groups What do you consider when you decide to begin gardening? Why do you put compost in your garden? Why plants need water? Why does your garden need a fence? What the whole purpose of growing a garden? Language notes 2)Does your garden get enough sun? 翻译:____________________________ enough的用法: 3)Plants need water to grow strong and stay healthy . Mary Green will show you the best way to grow all kinds of plants 4.It can help keep these small animals away from your garden. keep的用法: Can you find out these phrases? 1).make your garden grow 2). grow a garden 3).consider doing sth 4).begin doing sth 5). make sure 6). rich enough 7). It is adj to do sth 8).what else 9).try to do sth 10).keep …away from 11).forget to do sth 12).the whole purpose of doing sth 13).best of all 14). grow strong and stay health Exercises 根据汉语提示,完成句子 1.我们正在考虑接下来干什么。 We are ______ what to do next. 2.为了确认他在家,我给他打了电话。 To ____ ____ that he was at home, I called him up. 3.比尔足够强壮能搬动这个大箱子。 Bill is ____ ____ to carry the big box. 4.更重要的是,孩子们很安全。 ____ ____ ____ , all the children are all safe. 5.让人们远离毒品是非常正确的。 Its quite right to ____ people ____ ____ drugs. 翻译句子 1.照顾好你的手提包。 2.妈妈正在照顾生病的儿子。 3.他不喜欢那种颜色。 4.最重要的是我喜欢英语。 5. 这个学校有很多好的老师,但她是最好的一个。 选择正确答案。 1.How can we make the soil ? A rich enough B enough rich 2.Sometimes there is not . A rain enough B enough rain 3.You are not working ,you won’t finish on time . A fast enough B enough fast 4.Your clothes are _______ to fit me . A big enough B enough big 5. You have done .you can stop now . A work enough B enough wor What is fun about growing garden? Lesson 10 Make Your Garden Grow! Have a discussion in groups (1).What d


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