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Lesson 47 Never catch a dinosaur 1.You had warned him to use the ladder. 你已经警告过他使用梯子。 Warn 意思是“警告,提醒”,常用于warn sb.(not)to do sth.这个句型。例如: My boss warned me to work hard. 我的老板警告我要好好工作。 Mother warned me not to go there again. 母亲警告我不要再去那里。 Language points 2.My mum tried to stop me from climbing it. 我母亲想阻止我爬树。 【点拨】stop sb. from doing sth.意为“阻止 某人做某事”。又如: Mum stopped dad from smoking. 妈妈不让爸爸吸烟。 3. It took me three months to recover. 我用了三个月的时间才康复。 【点拨】It takes sb. some time to do sth. 表示“做某事花费某人……时间”。It是形式主语,真正的主语是to do。又如: It will take them nine months to finish building the road. 修完这条路将花费他们九个月的时间。 Practice1 :用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1.We are watching the Brazilian football team _______ (play) against the French football team on TV now. 2. The teacher stopped her students from ________(swim) in the river. playing swimming 3.She asked me ________ (touch) my head, and I did so. 4. The man ___________(save) by the kind policeman. He was very thankful. 5.Be careful! That car nearly ______(hit) you just now. to touch was saved hit Practice 2:按要求转换句型。 1 . He was very careless. He didn’t pass the exam.(换为too…to…句型) _______________________________________ 2.Tom can’t come on time tomorrow. I think. (连为一个句子) _______________________________________ He was too careless to pass the exam. I don’t think Tom can come on time tomorrow. 3. I spent two hours on my homework yesterday. (改为同义句) ________________________________________ 4.I have a new computer. My dad bought it for me on my birthday. (用定语从句转换) _________________________________________ _________________________________________ It took me two hours to do my homework yesterday. I have a new computer (that/ which)my dad bought for me on my birthday. 5.Because of her bad illness, she couldn’t speak when she was six years old.(用because ,be able to和at the age of 替换相应部分) ____


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