冀教版小学英语第八册Lesson 17 Ping-pong and Basketball 教学设计.doc

冀教版小学英语第八册Lesson 17 Ping-pong and Basketball 教学设计.doc

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冀教版小学英语第八册Lesson 17 Ping-pong and Basketball 教学设计

冀教版小学英语五年级下册 《Lesson 17: Ping-pong and Basketball》 姓 名: 白 俊 颖 单 位: 抚宁县骊城学区殷陈庄小学 冀教版小学英语五年级下册 《Lesson 17: Ping-pong and Basketball》1. Greetings. T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Bai. (有节奏的拍手) T: How are you? S: I’m fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine, too. T: There are four groups in our class. Let’s see which group is best. Please try harder. T: What’s your name? S: My name is …. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you too. T: How’s the weather today? S: It’s hot and sunny./ It’s cold and rainy. T: It’s cool. So I’m wearing a coat. What are you wearing? S: I’m wearing a …. ( 设计意图:营造民主和谐的学习氛围,激活学生已有知识,将知识与生活相联系,师生交流更加真实、自然。) 2. Sing a clothes song. T: I have a song. Listen carefully. What are they wearing? (设计意图:从歌曲中找服装,既激发了学生的学习兴趣,又为复习服装单词做准备。) 3. Revision. T: What are they wearing? pants dress sweater coat shorts shoes hat (分组说,说出一个,得一分) 说出shorts 时,教师出示图片,short – shorts These are shorts. (板书 shorts)New clothes words ① 出示图片shirt —— T- shirt (图片展示) 让学生们一起试读,出示T-shirt 图片。This is a T- shirt. ( 板书 a T- shirt ) ② 图片 run —— runners (图片) run 单个字母出现,给学生展示变化过程,找学生试读,领读。出示runners 图片 These are runners. (板书 runners). New sports words ① 对话引入 T: What are they wearing? 出示图片 S: They’re wearing runners, shorts, and a T- shirt ( This is a … These are….) T: What are they doing? S: They are running. ② T: Now let’s have a rest. Enjoy some pictures. 出示一组运动图片(badminton, ping-pong, basketball, soccer) T: What are they doing? S: They are playing. ③ Learn new sports words A badminton 出示图片,用单词卡,教学生拼读单词 bad – min – ton badminton 展示实物, 领读单词 Spell the word Draw the picture and write down the word on blackboard. (板书 简笔画 badminton) T: I can play badminton. (板书 play) T: Who can play badminton? (找学生上台做动作) T: Badminton is a sport. (板书 sport) B Ping-pong 出示图片,用单词卡,找学生试读,教学生拼读单词 ping – pong ping-pong (-) 展示实物, 领读单词 Spell the



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