冀教版英语五下Lesson 12 a visit to the great wall.ppt

冀教版英语五下Lesson 12 a visit to the great wall.ppt

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冀教版英语五下Lesson 12 a visit to the great wall

Lesson 12 a visit to the great wall visit:参观 带着问题学课文 Read and talk What’s the Chinese saying(中国名言) about the Great Wall? _______________________________________ How can we keep the Great Wall clean and beautiful? _______________________________________ Talk about the Great Wall with your friends. He who does not go to the Great Wall is not a true man. Don’t draw or write on the Great Wall. 猜一猜故事题目意思 想一想故事内容 When(什么时间)where(哪里) Who(谁) how(怎么去的) What(干什么) 结合课文插图自己小声默读一遍,整体感知故事内容。 小组讨论故事内容。 全班讨论故事内容,可以任意补充。 带英文语句提示完整看故事一遍,要仔细看哟!注意人物的语言。 看完提示在全班讨论故事内容,进一步深入认识故事的教育意义。有争议的地方搁置,稍后解决。 若有争议接着看完整故事一遍,看后再深入讨论。 若无争议,直接解决课后问题。 解决问题 返回课文 做练习,判断正误。 ()1、Mrs. Li,Jenny,Danny and Li Ming go to the Great Wall by car. ()2、The Great Wall is very long but not very old. ()3、Danny wants to write on the wall. ()4、We can draw pictures on the Great Wall. ()5、There is an old Chinese saying about the Great Wall. ()6、Jenny doesn’t like to visit the Great Wall. 《完成基本功训练》 你都学会了吗?!


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