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英语话题写作 高二英语 “The most beautiful teacher ” Heroic act(见义勇为) is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. It should be carried forward. But the PengYu event(彭宇事件) happened in Nanjing, Jiangsu province at the end of 2006 let people have another view about heroic acts. To save or not to save, its a problem! 针对最近报道的“扶起摔倒的老人而官司缠身”,“救人反而惹来麻烦”等事件,你们班开展了一次主题班会:老人摔倒,你会伸手去扶吗?请结合讨论情况写一篇短文,并发表自己的看法。 注意:1.词数:120-150 2.开头已给出,不计入总词数 Recently, our class held a heated discussion about whether we should lend a helping hand when an old man has a fall. The opinions vary from person to person. 1.首先小组成员之间进行作文互评、互赏。 1)高级词汇用△标出;精彩的短语用“。。。。。。”标出;语法结构丰富的句子用“波浪线”标出;错句用“直线”划出并改正。 2)如有需要改进的地方可在原地改动或在讲义的空白处写出。 2.每组推出一篇较好的作文,并指定小组内一名成员展示。 1)展示时先从文章主题、整体结构进行分析。 2)对于文章的内容、语言,先展示闪光点,再展示需要改进的地方。 3、小组展示顺序:老师根据情况随机选取小组进行展示。 Recently,our class held a heated discussion about whether we should lend a helping hand when an old man has a fall. The opinions vary from person to person. Some students take the attitude that it’s our responsibility to help them. For one thing, we Chinese have the fine traditions to help those in trouble. For another, they firmly believe that the world will become a better place if everyone does a little for others. Others, however, think differently. Because in recent years some helpers are accused of doing so and have to pay the old lots of money, they think it’s necessary to keep a distance from them; otherwise, they would get into trouble. As far as I’m concerned, whether to help the old depends on the situation. If the old are in great danger, helping send them to the nearest hospital is very necessary. The world needs warm-hearted people. In northeast China’s Heilongjiang province, a female teacher in the city of Jiamusi saved her students from being run over by a bus, but couldnt escape from the tragedy herself. Zhang Lili is now being treated the intensive care unit of a local hospital. The 29-year-old teacher sa


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