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Should : 这些媒体形式可以提供书本不能提供的学习形式,丰富视野,更有利于学习。 现代多媒体教学逐渐普及,图书馆英语教学方式同步。 与现代科技接轨,学者做科研的形式也更现代,开发新的学习设备。 Should not: 花费大;图书馆的基础建设发展不完善,而这些资源不易保管,容易损坏,图书管理员需要花费更多的精力去整理和保管这些资源; * Undeniably, money is the key to a decent life, involving better education and various kinds of entertainment. Meanwhile, the wealthy dedicating to charity have prevented the needy people from suffering and also, gained spiritual happiness themselves. However, we should also notice that the people with fortune are not always carefree since they are less easy to feel gratification and lack the sense of security. * Meanwhile, the wealthy dedicating to charity have prevent the needy people from suffering and also, gained spiritual happiness themselves. * However, we should also notice that the people with fortune are not always carefree since they are less easy to feel gratification and lack the sense of security. * 看报本来就是打发时间,而不是浪费时间 ---英国人看报 不看吃不下早饭上不了厕所 不看报真的就便秘了也说不定 中国人玩手机 上厕所不看手机也便秘 地铁上男生给女生让座,女生说你坐,你站着我没法看你玩游戏!!!!!!! 浪费纸张,报纸乱扔污染环境 伦敦地铁上写:您留下的报纸是垃圾。 * 进一步解释意思,整个说法都要换掉。 这种连接词要用,但不是重点,重点是连接词后面的话怎么说。 * Asset 优点,资产, 有用的东西 * 这些句型不论中心句还是扩展句都可用 举例:the reason why people like to move from rural areas to urban areas is rooted in the fact that the cities homes more social and economic opportunities. * Scramble for 争夺 * Consolation 安慰 Deformity 残废 畸形 * 推测 * Attribute…to… Ascribe…to… Owing…to… * 带领学生做摘抄 画出逻辑关系:fierce competition --- deliberately exaggerate news to gain upper hand --- some reports unreliable * 耸人听闻! * 我嫂子跑8000,有坡度sloping 给男生推荐陕西女孩 * * * 画图解释contrasting和comparing的区别 Painstaking 辛苦的 * Resort to force/the law 诉诸武力/法律 * 对比 因果 * 冒号: 解释 * 1,最常见的就是没有结尾,来不及写,建议写作文掐时间,跟听力阅读一样对待。 问题讨论型可以没有结尾,其他类型要结尾 2,不光是雅思作文,中国留学生的assignment 也这样,重要的都在后面,而且写到马上要结束了还加点新的观点进去,这就不是结尾了, 介绍:implication、suggestion 写感悟反思、对以后的学术研究提点建议,但这些都是在结尾段之前的。 3, let’s do it!! 建议写清主语 + should do 到这种程度就属于 satisfactory, 还有两种非常好的结尾,我们看两个例子。 * 首段没有表明立场的,结尾


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