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目 录 摘要………………………………………………………………………1 1 前言……………………………………………………………………1 6 结论…………………………………………………………………6 总结与体会……………………………………………………………6 谢辞……………………………………………………………………6 参考文献…………………………………………………………………6 附录………………………………………………………………………8 摘要 本毕业设计的题目是凤鸣桥一级水电站厂房及管道设计。 根据已有的原始资料和该处地形图进行设计,主要内容有:枢纽布置、厂房类型确定、水轮机型号的选择,蜗壳尺寸的确定,尾水管尺寸的确定,调速器和蝶阀的型号选择,水电站厂房尺寸的确定,、引水系统布置、引水系统设计、厂房布置设计,并根据要求绘制相应的枢纽总平面布置图、引水系统布置图、厂房机组中心横剖面图、厂房机组中心纵剖面图、厂房各层(发电机层、水轮机层、蜗壳层)平面图一张平面布置图和剖面图。 水电站位于龙门山华夏系构造体系两大断裂挟持的狭长断块上水文地质条件比较简单,主要是砂页岩的层间裂隙水和第四系松散堆积物中的孔隙水,隧洞施工中局部有涌水现象。本电站系开发湔江团山至通济场区间的水能资源,采用低闸取水,通过压力隧洞引水的高水头引水式式电站。? 本电站的设计水头为140米,单机容量9000kW,共两台机组,总装机容量1.8万kW。 关键词:厂房设计、水轮机型号、剖面图、水库、地形、枢纽工程。 Abstract The topic of this graduation design is fengming bridge level of hydropower plant and pipeline design. Based on the available raw data and topographic map to carry on the design, the main contents are as follows:Hub layout, the selection of water turbine type, plant type, the determination of size of the spiral case, the determination of the tail pipe size, speed and butterfly valve type selection, determination of hydropower plant size,, water diversion system layout design, the workshop layout design, water diversion system, and draw the corresponding according to the hub unit, water diversion system layout, plant general layout center section map, units center profile, factory floors(generator, turbine, volute layer) plan a layout plan and section. Hydropower station is located in the longmenshan cathaysian tectonic system two big fracture of long and narrow fault block on hydrogeological conditions is simpler, mainly sand shale interlayer fissure water and quaternary pore water of loose debris, local have phenomenon of water gushing in the tunnel construction. This power plant is developed Jian jiang group mountain to tongji field range of hydropower resources, with low brake water, through the high pressure tunnel diversion of water head diversion try to power stations.


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