建议句型 和 so that, until,although.ppt

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建议句型 和 so that, until,although

Ⅰ. why dont you do sth...?/Why not do sth...?/ 意为“为什么不……呢?”常用于间接地向对方提出建议,往往带有肯定的意味,一般不必回答。 例如: Why don’t you have a try? Why not have a try? 为什么不给他发电子邮件呢? Why don’t you e-mail him? Why not e-mail him? 对建议的回答 “You’d better(not)do sth ” “你最好(不)做……”。  You’d better not watch TV when you’re doing your homework. 按要求改写句子。 so that so such * Ⅱ.Would you mind +动词的ing形式+其他?“请你做……好吗?”, 语气委婉,客气,一般用在面对陌生人时或者比较正式的场合。 Would you mind closing the window? 1) 若要表示“请你不要做……好吗?”,只需要在动词的-ing形式前加上not 即可。 例如:Would you mind not cutting in line? 2) 若想要对方允许自己做某事,可用“Would you mind my+动词的-ing形式+其他?” Would you mind my opening the door? Ⅲ.Could you please+动词原形+其他?“请你……好吗?” 其中could并不是can的过去式,而是表示更委婉的建议或请求。 Could you please do the dishes? 请你洗盘子好吗? 其否定形式,只需要在动词前加上not即可。 Could you please not talk in class? IV. Shall we/I do sth 次句型意为“我们/我做……好吗?”,常以商量的语气向对方提出建议。 What a sunny day! Shall we go out for a walk? Ⅴ.What/ How about + 名词/代词/动词的ing形式+其他?“……怎么样? 提建议或征求对方意见的委婉说法。 What about a cup of tea? What about going to a movie? 肯定回答 OK! / Good. / Good idea! / That sounds good./ Sure./ Of course./ Yes, please./ Yes, I think so./ Yes, I’d love to./ All right./ No problem./ I agree with you. 等。 否定回答 No, thanks./ No, I don’t think so./ No, I’m busy./ I don’t agree./ Sorry, I’m afraid not. 等。 单选题 ( ) 1. --- _____ come and join us? ---_____ . But I have to meet my uncle at the airport. A. Why not to;I think so B. Why not;I hope so C. Why don’t; I’m very tired D. Why not you; I like it ( ) 2. ---What about going swimming with me this afternoon? ---_____,but I have a lot of homework to do. A. I’d love to B. Yes, let’s go C. No, I won’t. D. It doesn’t matter. ( ) 3. ---So hot in the classroom. Would you mind _____ the window? --- No, I’ll do it right now. A. to close B. not opening C. closing D. opening ( ) 4. ---Would you mind if I sit here? --- _____. The seat has already been taken. A. Good idea. B. Better not C. I’d love to D. you have to ( ) 5. ---What about g


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