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一泻千里rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles 两岸丛山迭岭,绝壁断崖flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs 回环曲折,极其险峻 with many a perilous twists and turns 阻抑前进obstruct the advance 浊流滚滚turbid torrents surge forward. 跑来跑去dash here and there 争着回答vie in giving the answers 鲜红嫩绿的brilliant colors 人人知晓,处处闻名a household name 一命呜呼kick the bucket 不肯计较never particular about personal gains or losses 圆通大师Master of Easy-going 年富力强in the prime of life 撙衣节食cut down on food and clothing 铸造成器cast… into a useful implement 抛弃学问forsake learning 入门书籍books on rudiments of some subjects 略加翻阅browse through 一时兴趣the whims of the moment 列屋而居in a row of adjoining rooms 故态复萌slip back to the same old rut 眼睛昏花failing eyesight 社交客套civilities of social life 记忆减退failing memory 总角之交/竹马之交friendship between two innocent playmates since childhood 入世未深be socially inexperienced 较少计较give little thought to personal gains or losses 志趣相近of similar tastes and interests 性情相投of congenial disposition 人心不古degeneration of public morality 钩心斗角scheme against each other 值得系念worthy of remembrance 不免互异be bound to differ 旧游如梦scenes of dream-like bygone days 屈指可数的few in number 灌输知识impart knowledge 三三两两in twos and threes 携手挽肩hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder 盗匪出没bandits lurking around 出此下策be reduced to the disreputable business as a last resort 回转来想 on reflection 安步当车foot passenger 力有不及can ill afford 心有不甘disdain to do 作弊出轨fraud or illegal practice 书生之见pedantic /impractical view of a bookish person 通达之人sensible gentlemen 一线希望a ray of hope 毫无把握feel totally uncertain of success 易地而处change place with anybody else 吉人天相 A good guy always enjoys Heaven’s protection. 感到安慰set one’s minds at rest 收起笑容smile fades away 安分守己be content with one’s lot 扫除阴影clear away the shadow 心灵颤动keep heart throbbing 划清界限draw a line of demarcation between 掉进深渊fall into an abyss 遇到困难run into trouble 关心健康show concern over one’s health 发光发热radiate light and heat 祸不单行 Misfortune never comes singly. 回家奔丧hasten home to attend funeral 满院狼藉th


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