张美丽 看图作文.ppt

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张美丽 看图作文

英语作文预测 ——看图作文 基础部 张美丽 Part I. 看图作文的分类典型提纲 分类:图画作文可分为图片、漫画与照片等多种。 图画类作文提纲 1) describe the drawing briefly; 2) explain its intended meaning; 3) give your comments Part II看图作文解题步骤 1.认真审题 (把握图中提示语,附文, 对比、类似等细节,准确把握出题者意图) 2. 列出提纲(已给),整理基本的框架 3. 开始落笔写作的过程中,要注意如下几点: 突出重点 用词准确(语法、词汇、语气、标点符号等) 字数要达标 管如此,无论是排队取钱,还是乘坐出租汽车,种种生活细节都告诉我们:现金消费依然独占鳌头。而电子货币交易的新气象亦在悄然兴起:手机运营商宣布推出通过手机完成两国间的汇款业务;日本已有大约500家智能卡运营商提供“数码钱包”服务;在美国,万事达、维萨以及其它信用卡公司在某些消费项目中推出无须签名和无pin码的信用卡。 高科技的电子货币到底会以多快速度取代纸币进行交易尚难有定论。对于电子货币的发展,存在的一个问题是匿名性,与此紧密相关的是个人隐私以及一系列严重的问题。究其原因,若电子货币像纸币一样具有匿名性,该属性便可能被利用成为做坏事的幌子。基于此,政府力求控制任何匿名金融工具的出现。而对于消费者,必须在消费便利性和个人隐私间权衡利弊,做出抉择。(刘森译) 推荐MSN好友 As we can see from the cartoon clearly, an old man, with long white beard and a walking stick in his hand, is sitting on the earth, which is sweating and no longer round due to his heavy pressure. In the winter season, when chilly temperatures and frigid winds prevail over the land, people like to eat food that instantly warms their bodies and lifts their spirits. For that, the hot pot is a delicious and hearty choice. Families or groups of friends sit around a table and eat from a steaming pot in the middle, cooking and drinking and chatting. Eating hot pot is not a passive activity: diners must select prepared raw food from plates scattered around the table, place them in the pot, wait for them to cook, fish them out of the soup, dip them in the preferred sauce, and then eat them hot, fresh, and tender. What a compelling and thought-provoking drawing it is! How interesting and enlightening it is! This is a very thought-provoking picture. This is quite an extraordinary and meaningful picture. The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene. The picture describes an increasingly common phenomenon in today’s world. 图画描述套话②--半套+描述1(图画总述) As is vividly depicted in the cartoon above, … (图画总述) As is shown/described in the pictures above, we can see clearly that … What is clearly illustrate


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