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New Approach for Elderly DLBCL in 2013 ASH Dose Of Vincristine didn’t Predict Outcome Of Treatment For Elderly DLBCL Patients The median doses of ADR, CPM, and VCR were 69.51±15.2%, 70.23±20.0% and 59.1±28.1% of original regimen, respectively. % of VCR to original CHOP regimen was significant different between age 70-79 and age more than 80 (p0.0001), but OS by % of actual dose VCR to original CHOP was not different (50% vs. ≧50%, p=0.62), suggesting that dose of VCR didn’t predict outcome of treatment. It might suggest that dose of VCR could be reduced with keeping treatment outcome to improve QOL of survivors who suffer from peripheral neuropathy. New Approach for Elderly DLBCL in 2013 ASH Weekly Four Times Rituximab Consolidation Following Reduced Cycles Of R-CHOP Induction Chemotherapy In Extremely Elderly Patients With Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Poor outcome of patients with elderly diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) has been linked to their decreased ability to receive full course of R-CHOP, dose-reduction of chemotherapy due to toxicities and their concomitant disease to interrupt the treatment. The study is aimed to determine objective response, toxicitiy and clinical outcome of weekly four times rituximab augmentation after reduced cycles of R-CHOP in extremely elderly patients with DLBCL. New Approach for Elderly DLBCL in 2013 ASH Weekly Four Times Rituximab Consolidation Following Reduced Cycles Of R-CHOP Induction Chemotherapy In Extremely Elderly Patients With Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma R-CHOP was infused every 21 days, with initial dose-intensity of CHOP regimen was modulated according to Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). If patients were with CCI 1, patients were treated with standard dose of CHOP, however, if patients with CCI ≥1, patients were with 75% of conventional dose initially. Rituximab consolidation (375mg/m2) was treated weekly four times, at the time of full recovery after 4th?R-CHOP. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxasole (


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