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Ident No. Project Hefei-Nanjing date 2007-08-31 revision 00 Installation- and Maintenance Instructions 安装及维护指导 OCS-Components Of 19 Page * Stitch Wire Arrangement 弹性吊索装配布置 . 注意事项WARNING 使用本产品应用于安装目的,且如果满足以下条件,产品的应用符合此目的: - 有关本产品的操作使用符合运输及技术规格书的有关部门条款,且 -所供零件及特殊工具用于安装目的且符合安装指导书的要求 Use the product only for its intended purpose The use complies with the intended purpose if: the product is operated in accordance with the agreed terms of delivery and the stated technical specifications, and all supplied devises and special tools are used exclusively for the intended purpose and in accordance with the appropriate installation instructions 所有执行本产品安装,调试,运营及维护的人员必须具备如下的资格和条件: All persons performing the installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the product must posses qualification and experience in the following basics skills: 安装方法installation methods, 按照图纸或以图纸为基础工作working in accordance with, and on the basis of drawings, 按照安装指导工作working in accordance with the installation instructions, 避免伤害及安装规则accident prevention and safety regulations, 调试方法和调试步骤commissioning methods and commissioning procedures, 急救first aid. 请参阅有关规范(欧洲EN50110)Please refer to national regulations (e.g. EN 50110 in Europe) 本安装指导书适用于第四章3EGF009151 Z3013及后面的图纸所描述的型号及其他变量产品。本安装指导书包括所用零件的结构和安装方法。适用于所有对其加工或安装的人员。 These installation instructions are valid for the type and variant of the product described in drawing 3EGF009151 Z3013 and following drawings under Point 4.This installations instructions contains information about the structure and method of installation of the product. This should be read by all persons working on, or with the product. 1 安全性 /安全要求 General and Safety requirements Warning 在执行任何工作前, 请做如下工作: Before carrying out any work, do the following: 隔离设备Isolate the plant 保护避免机器被打开Secure against being switched on 确保设备中无残余电流Make sure there is no residual voltage in the plant 接地并短路设备Earth and short-circuit the plant 覆盖或保护运转部分Cover or safeguard live parts Safety requirement


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