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政府投资艺术(弊): 1. 浪费钱, 无法得到快的回报 money-consuming no direct and immediate benefits 2. 艺术作为爱好和文化传统可以代代相传, 无须政府投资 as cultural traditions passed on from one generation to another 句型练习: 1. 对于政府来说,尊重和保护多元化的艺术遗产是民主的表现。因此, 有必要对艺术家提供经济资助。 It is democratic for government to honor and preserve the multicultural artistic heritage and therefore it is essential to provide financial assistance to its artists. 2. 尽管传统的艺术家不能创造经济价值,但是,他们可以丰富我们的精神生活, 是社会更加文明. Although the traditional artists may not create commercial benefits, they can enrich our spiritual life and civilize our society. 3. 如果政府不投资,许多年轻人担负不起学习音乐课程,不能去参观博物馆和艺术馆,他们根本无法完全理解他们的文化。让年轻人都能接触到艺术除了丰富自身之外,还可以让他们了解到国家的文化遗产,使他们有对国家的自豪感。 Without government’s subsidy, young people would not be able to take affordable music lessons, visit museums or galleries and would thereby be prevented from understanding and enjoying their culture fully. As well as being important for personal enrichment, access to arts makes the young aware of their national heritage and helps to promote feelings of nationhood. 4. 高雅的艺术常常只能吸引一小部分人, 因此,只能让受部分人受益。 High art appeals to only a small proportion of the population and thus benefits just few. 5. 医疗保障对一个国家的经济和社会的稳定是至关重要的,尤其是不发达的国家。 Medical care is essential to the economic and social well-being of a country, particularly of an underdeveloped country. 6. 将纳税人辛苦赚来的钱投资到艺术家上是极大的浪费。当人们有更多迫切的需求,比如医疗保健和社会服务时,投资艺术是毫无意义的。 It is a great waste of taxpayers’ hard-earned money to finance artists. There is no point in spending large amounts of taxpayer’s money on arts when we have more pressing needs, such as health care and social services. 4.2 句子 4.2.1 句子类型 ● 简单句:主要以主语和谓语构成 ● 并列句:意义相关的独立分句,用并列连词连接 ● 复合句:包含一个主句和多个从句 简单句 1. S + V Some thorny issues have already emerged. 2. S + V+ O The number of TV audience reaches the peak of 20,000 at 9pm. 3. S + V + 0 +


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